Page 43 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 43


Liam O’Hoy
Liam developed into a genuine on field leader this season and by the end
of the home and away games he had established himself as a reliable full
back and mid field running player. Liam’s ability to run the ball out of
defense and link up through handball and accurate kicking was a feature
of his game. When Liam played well it usually meant our team was playing
well as he was often the instigator of our forward attacks. Liam’s
development has been enormous this year and he presents as an exciting
prospect to watch out for in 2015. Liam also managed to draw the attention
of umpires and received votes in YJFL’s B&F count.

“Well done Liam!”

Finally, I want to say a special thanks to all the Tackers who helped us throughout the season. We
had a number of players who came into the team to fill a vacant position but in particular I want to
recognise the contributing of both Michael Van Benten and Ben Gale who both helped us out on a
number of occasions…”Thanks boys!”

Greythorn Football Club 2014
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48