Page 37 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 37


action, he was a fantastic encouragement to
the players during the games.

Lastly to all our parents, you’ve been a
wonderful group and I’ve enjoyed connecting
with each of you throughout the season.
Thanks for the opportunity to coach your child
and I sincerely hope you and your little champ
gained the very best out of the season.
The Season

Under tens were fortunate enough to field two
teams this year but with that came the
challenge of how we structure the two teams
and determine who plays with whom. In the
end we broadly separated the players based
on logical school grouping and subsequently
named them ‘under tens red’ and ‘under tens
Under 10s Red team coach - Steve Taylor. Steve blue’.
is becoming an old hand at this coaching
business. His handling of our youngsters is a After an intra club practice match late March
delight to witness. we decided that our team (red) would play in
the higher division as determined by the YJFL.
This meant that the red team started round
In particular I'd like to highlight the work of one in brown division.
Steve McConnell who assisted me with the
coaching, ran water every week and provided
excellent leadership and support at all our
training sessions.
Geoff O'Hoy and Rodger Akse took on co-
team management duties and did an
outstanding job. Geoff's work during the week
communicating with families providing vital
information and keeping people entertained
through his literary humor was terrific.
Rodger on the other hand was outstanding
with his game day management
responsibilities, keeping all of us organised
and ensuring that the players received their
due reward and recognition.
Scott Burhop fulfilled the role of runner and
did a superb job translating my often
confusing messages to the players. All year
Scott has been a great encourager of the
players and provided great support to the
A huge thank you must also go to Katrina
Smart and Nathan Brown. Katrina was the
team’s trainer and did an outstanding job
providing first response assistance to the
players. Balancing beautifully the need for a
bandage, a cuddle or even a "you'll be right
mate". Katrina had a fantastic approach to the Under 10s Red, Best & Fairest winner – Kynan
role, which players responded to. Brown. Seen here in the opening round of the
season. He was best afield that day and it seems
Nathan fulfilled the Boundary Umpire role all that form continued throughout the year.
season and aside from his great on field

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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