Page 28 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 28
ROW 3: Adam Bergin (Coach), Sally Nelson (Trainer), Will Tymkin, Nick Greene,
David Winstanley, Jen Bellchambers (Team Manager),
Olivia Spalding (Team Manager), Andrew Collard (Assist Coach)
ROW 2: Ethan Crane, Jack Spalding, Joss Tite, Ben Carlisle, Liam Corr, Mitchell Collard,
Pete Panagiotakopoulos, Sam Woods
FRONT: Dex Kelly, Lucas Johnston, Lucas Crema, Jett Bergin, Liam Jaksch,
Michael Losinno, Gus Bellchambers, Oliver Nelson
F Our main focus for most games was effort.
irstly I would like to thank the whole of
When we are out there competing hard, in
the Under 10 Blue playing group for a
hard at the ball, chasing and tackling, we are a
fantastic season.
really good side. What I was most pleased
The team goals we set at the beginning of the about was the persistence shown by
year – Effort, Persistence, Team – were everyone. Of our 13 games, I can only
followed with great dedication and intensity for remember once being outscored in the last
each game. Your enthusiasm for the game quarter and we did have a couple of great
makes it worth it for all of us to get involved.
come from behind wins.
Greythorn Football Club 2014