Page 29 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 29


Dan – Your enthusiasm for our boys and your
efforts helping them improve could never be
Dean – Thanks for helping out when I was not
able to be there late in the season.
At the beginning of this footy year we had
nearly 30 kids moving up from the Tackers
into U10. When the decision was made to
have 2 teams I jumped at the chance to coach
this team. Having spent the previous year
helping out as the Co-Team Manager, I had a
good understanding that I would be inheriting
a group of passionate and enthusiastic young
players. Hopefully all of the boys enjoyed this
year enough to lace the boots up again next

Being a first time coach I can’t believe how
First year coach Adam Bergin – moved from
Team Manager in 2013 to Team Coach this year quickly this year has gone by. While I’m sure
when it was decided to field two Under 10s the highlights for the boys were our great
teams. wins, for Andrew and I the highlights were
seeing the satisfaction on the boys faces when

they were rewarded for doing something we
I would also like to thank those Tackers boys had asked for. The proud look on our boys
who came up and helped us out when we faces when they were mentioned during one
were a few players short. of the breaks, when receiving the Benedetti
Award and especially when receiving the
Closely following the boys, I would also like to opposition team medal is priceless.
thank the whole parent group for making the
lives of us coaches so much easier. There are I spent a lot of time trying to make sure
many other things we could be doing in the everyone was getting a chance to play in
middle of winter, so your commitment to bring different positions all over the ground, to help
the boys along each week and help out where them develop an understanding of what it
needed is greatly appreciated. I doubt there takes to play forward, back and in the midfield.
was a game, home or away, that we were This also gave us a good insight into what
outnumbered by the opposition’s parents. positions best suited each player, so late in
the year we went with a line-up that allowed
Then an extra special thanks to my support the boys to settle into a position for longer.
We think this worked really well and will give
Andrew – Your role with this team should not the boys a good grounding for their future
be underestimated. Your ideas and thoughts careers.
on how to help the boys develop were a great Finally Andrew and I feel privileged to have the
benefit to all the boys and always well opportunity to be a part of this great bunch of
kids, so would like to thank you all for giving
Liv and Jen – I know how much work is us this opportunity. We hope that all the boys
involved in getting everything organised for continue along the same path next year.
each weeks game. Thanks especially for
keeping me shielded from any issues that did
come up, as I know there is always some!
Rohan – Thanks for being there most weeks,
even when the body did not want to be!
Adam Bergin
Sal – Your dedication shows no boundaries Coach - Greythorn Blue - Under 10s
and your care for all of our boys is amazing.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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