Page 10 - Yearbook2014.psd
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concentrated on the players where a number YJFL Competition Changes for
of larger training sessions were conducted 2015
with different themes (forwards, mids, backs
etc). In 2015 the YJFL are introducing changes to
In addition, to meet YJFL requirements, we the format for Tackers (Under 8 and Under 9)
had a number of Coaches complete their and Under 10) under a new Junior Match
Level 1 Accreditation by attending courses Policy. While the changes to the U10 are
conducted by AFL Victoria and the AFCA essentially restricted to replacing the
Central Region. traditional finals with a lightning Premiership,
the changes to the Tackers are more
YJFL Coaches Coordinator significant but aimed at transitioning players
Meetings from Auskick to competition. Under 8 is
described as an Introductory Phase and
The club was represented by myself at the Under 9 as a Development phase and both
Coaches Coordinator meeting held at YJFL see changes to the number to players in a
Bulleen in March. This was organised by Mick team, smaller playing area (ground) sizes and
Stinear from AFL Victoria (Central Region and modified rules. There continues to be no
subsequently Oakleigh Chargers Senior scoring at these levels.
Coach) with the aim of improving the level of While the current committee provided detailed
knowledge on all matters related to coaching feedback on the proposed changes to the
football at Junior Club level. My understanding YJFL in 2013 and advised in that feedback
is the YJFL will be conducting further sessions that we did not agree with all the proposed
in 2015 to support the Coaches Coordinators changes, the reality is that the changes will be
at club level and that they are looking at implemented in 2015 and the YJFL will be
training and accreditation as well.
providing practical guidance on this in the
The Year that was… later part of 2014. The challenge for the club is
to work as hard as possible to implement the
All said and done, not a bad year with the changes successfully on game day to ensure
Tackers having a great year - as usual, three the main stakeholders, the kids, continue to
teams making the finals, one just missing and have a positive and fun experience while
a flag runners-up with our merged Colts 2 developing their skills and learning to play the
team. game. At the same time, the committee and
At the end of the season, the final placing for the club community will need to continue to
Greythorn teams were: engage with the YJFL to make sure
experiences at club level are passed on to
allow the YJFL to make informed decisions on
Team Comments any future changes.
Tackers Successful Seasons Looking Ahead
Red & Blue In 2015 there will be a new Coaches
U10 Red 2 Wins – 8 of 8 – Coordinator and the foundations laid over the
Green Division
U10 Blue 3 wins – 10 of 11 – last three years of coaches’ development will
give them a strong framework to work with.
Blue Division
U11 9 wins – 3 of 8 – With the programs in 2012, 2013 and 2014
Green Division Semi Finalist well received by both the coaches and the
U12 10 wins – 3 of 8 – players, plans for 2015 are already underway
Gold Division Semi Finalist with:
U13 1 win – 8 of 8 - Green Division • A number of coaches already
U15 GDU 8 wins 5 of 8 – indicating their desire to continue in
missed finals on percentage – 2015
Section 3
Colts GDU 10 wins – 2 of 6 – • Planning for 2015 Coaches Education
(U17) Grand Final Runners-Up - to commence in October
Division 2 With the AFL and the YJFL wanting to elevate
the importance of Coaching Coordinators at
clubs and a large number of clubs

Greythorn Football Club 2014
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15