Page 7 - Yearbook2014.psd
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Anne will be “hanging up her boots” this year • Marcus for taking all the GDU Colts
so if there is anyone out there who wants to Photos,
step into Anne’s shoes please contact Anne or • Adam, Corey and Joanne at
the club. Doncaster for all their help again.
I advise that we have commenced looking for Special thanks to all those at the
Committee members, coaches and team League who hold everything
personnel etc for next year so if you want to
get more involved please let us know ASAP. together:
Below is a diagrammatic view of the way the • Peter Haddad - YJFL President
Committee is structured setting out the various • Peter Nicholls & Shaun Dowling –
duties and how they relate to the scheme of Tireless and very helpful general
things. Remember, you do not need to be managers.
nominated to become a member of our • David Hannan - Manager of umpires,
committee so please consider joining it as the improvement is still on track.
without adequate support running the club • LesleyLangley, David Miller, Peter
becomes difficult: Graham plus all the others that make
the League work so well.

Special thanks to all the other Our Sponsors
people that make the club Our special thanks to our Major sponsor
function Fletchers. Your help and assistance is greatly
In addition to our volunteers mentioned above,
I offer my special thanks to: Thanks to all our other sponsors including
• To all the canteen staff both at Bendigo Bank, Bakers Delight (for all the
Greythorn and Gordon Barnard, T bread and rolls), Benedetti’s (for all those
• The Koonang Cricket Club, game day Pizza vouchers) and all our other
• Richard Martin for looking after our sponsors who help us so much.
Web site and taking many great I urge all our people to peruse the 'Partners'
photos. section in this yearbook and to give the

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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