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able to take the club forward. both Gordon Barnard and Doncaster I am sure
we will hear more of many of these boys.
With this in mind together with the need to
address some pressing items, we have Players who have featured in
elected to hold our AGM a month earlier than League Awards
we have in the past. We really do need as
many as possible to attend our AGM and I The following players have featured in the
would encourage everyone to endeavour to League Best & Fairest Awards for their
come to the Gordon Barnard Function Room outstanding 2013 seasons
on Wednesday the 17 September. The Age Group Player Final
meeting will commence at 7.30pm.
2014 Registrations U11 Green David Waldron 3
U12 Gold Nick Daicos 3
As noted above, our numbers were down Luke Kelvie 8
significantly on last year’s, necessitating the U13 Green Jamie Lay 9
closure of our Under 14s group and the U15 GDU (3) Chris Kerdemelidis 3 *
forming of merged teams at the Under 15s Jyedin Williams 3 *
and Colts levels. Many local clubs in our area Will Macafee 7
are facing a similar situation and are struggling Colts GDU (2) Zane Kadlecik 2
to retain players beyond the Under 14s age James Waldon 3
group. The new committee will need to be Christian Thiel 4th
mindful of this and endeavour to reverse what *Equal Third
appears to be the current trend.

2014 Previously New Total I congratulate all the above on their stellar
Registered Registrations seasons and trust there will be many more
117 53 170 well deserved acknowledgements of their
footballing prowess.
2014 Season Finals Hosting
Again, our club were honored to be invited to
Pre-season got underway early as we had no host finals at Greythorn Park for each of the
difficulty getting access to grounds and some three weeks that the finals run for. Hosting
teams actually started unofficial training before finals requires a huge effort on the part of the
Christmas. All went to plan and the season club and special thanks to Gordon, Jenny,
commenced on the 6 April with a full 15 Jon Hrbek, and all the BBQ gang for their
rounds being scheduled together with the tireless efforts. From a club perspective
usual two mid season breaks.
these three weeks make a big difference to
For a small club, it is my opinion that we the club’s income for the year and allow us
performed exceptionally well. 3 of our 7 teams to keep our fees down for following years.
played finals one of whom played at the I also extend my thanks to all those other
highest Gold level and another one who willing helpers of which there are too many
gained the double chance. We also had
another team that narrowly missed a finals to mention.
berth. Special Thanks to All the Parents
The first week of finals saw our U11 and U12 and Volunteers
teams eliminated but the Colts GDU team
went straight into the Grand final after beating Without the help of parents and volunteers any
the previously undefeated top side. club would not be able to survive. As such I
extend special thanks to all and in particular
In the Grand Final our Colts started really well the Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team
and were in a commanding position at half Managers, Trainers, Runners and all those
time but as has happened previously, our third parent helpers that help out on game days
quarter was not good and Bulleen were able and the myriad of other tasks that require
to get their superb running game going and attention.
take control.
Special thanks to our club Banner Making
Whilst it was not our day on the field, it was team ably led by Anne Thiel. Anne has done a
certainly our day in the evening where all the fantastic job again this season. Like myself,
team turn up for the end of season BBQs at

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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