Page 67 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 67


Runner-Up Best and Fairest – Jyedin Williams
Jyedin returned after a year away and brought a great attitude from his first
pre-season session. With much improved discipline and concentration he
became a vital player in the team, and probably the stand out defender in
the Division. He reads the play like no other player, and his ‘rebound 50’
stats would have been off the charts.

Always a long kick, Jyedin really started to spot up targets out of defence,
and also became a very strong contested mark. He was never beaten in a
50/50 contest, and always finds a way to get the ball to boot and send us
forward. His creativity in taking on players, running with the ball, and hitting
targets were real highlights. He was very unlucky not to win in a very close
count, but should be very proud of a spectacular season.

Third Best and Fairest – Ben Corboy
Congratulations to Corbs on his great season, and his first time in the top 3
B&F. Corbs has always been disciplined and courageous, without getting
a lot of the footy. After starting a few years ago at full back, he gained
confidence and progressed to CHB. This year however his improved
fitness and strength meant he made the move on-ball and he hasn’t
looked back.

Corbs ratio of ‘contested possessions’ to ‘uncontested possessions’ would
be about 90/10. He loves the tough stuff, and the ball is always moving our
way when his head is over the ball. He is an inspiration to his team mates,
and we are always a better side when he is on the ball. Corbs missed 4
games due to injury during the year, so it was a great effort to poll the way
he did.
“Congratulations also for being part of the Oakleigh Chargers squad all
year, and getting selected for the September trial game series – a brilliant
year all round Corbs!”

Coach’s Award – Lucas Donnar
To be honest Lucas could win this award every year! He is quiet,
disciplined and determined, and a dream to coach. This year he moved
back into the ruck after a season at Full Back, and had a heavy load
against often taller, more mobile players on some big grounds. He was out
jumped at centre bounces often, but really showed his strengths at ball
ups and throw ins where he has great strength and soft hands.

Most Improved – Luke Farchione
With Lucas going into the ruck we needed desperately to find a Full Back –
and find one we did! Farch has always been disciplined, but never really
backed himself to take on the game, and has also had some knee issues.
This year he was fully fit and stepped up his game enormously by not only
playing hard and tough on strong forwards, but also leading them to the
ball and providing rebound with his (surpisingly fast) pace. Farch quickly
became one of the first magnets on the board, and an absolute key to our
team. Full Back is not always glamorous, but Farch should be commended
for his strength, body work, and discipline. It was a great year from a much
improved player.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72