Page 58 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 58

ROW 3: Greg Feutrill (Coach), Cooper Bond, Benedict Tivisini, Jamie Lay, Michael Tynan
Mark Alcock (Trainer), Jenny Exell (Team Manager)
ROW 2: Angus Corr, Declan Cremasco, James Dickinson, Finlay Pike, Michael Papas,
Matthew Tsoutsouvas, James Seaton-Nichol, Angus Alcock
FRONT: Matthew Exell, Daniel Mastrangelo, Nick Perduv, Ikey Law, Paul Lindsay,
Kailen Bonini, Darcy Feutrill
ABSENT: Charlie Windley, Andreas Stamatonikolos

2 Despite losing 14 games in a row, we did have
014 was a very difficult year for us
some great highlights throughout the year.
- due to the departure of 9 players
The season started brightly with the influx of
from last season. Having said that,
the challenge was taken up by the some of the U/12 players to top up our team
remainder of the group and five boys resulting in a strong win. The games following
were played with the bare minimum 18 players
who chose to come up from the U/12’s.
and in some instances, less than 18 but the
I was very proud of the sportsmanship we fighting spirit was always evident.
displayed and commitment to training despite We were lucky to have Declan Cremasco, Paul
the fact that we only won the single game. Lindsay, Charlie Windley, Angus Corr and
Having stuck by the club and their teammates Andreas Stamatonikolos come up from the
throughout this year really demonstrated the U/12s which swelled our numbers and was a
resolve of the playing group - they should be great boost to our team.
proud that they never gave up.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63