Page 51 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 51

Like most community sporting organisations, our club operates with the dedication and support it
receives from its countless volunteers - without whose efforts it simply couldn’t exist.
Whilst the club is obviously appreciative of the contributions that our people provide, occasionally it
receives exceptional service from people over an extended period.
This year we acknowledge a special person who has given the club wonderful service over many
years by a rewarding her Life Membership

Jenny Exell
enny Exell is one of those people that
every organisation just absolutely loves
to have in their ranks.
Realistically, most clubs have a number of
dedicated people who “shoulder the load”
and do more than can be reasonably
expected but Jenny has given new meaning
to the term – “dedicated.”

Jenny has been a Team Manager from the
moment her eldest son – Matthew, started
with the Falcons in 2009. In the following year
she added the task of Committee Member to
her repertoire.
Most people would be aware of the efficiency
with which she carries out her duties as Team
Manager but only those who have served with
her on the committee would be truly aware of
just what an amazing and capable contributor
she is.

It is often said that if you want something done
– ask a busy person. No one could
demonstrate the truth of this statement better
than Jenny. Those of us who serve on the
committee are very familiar with way she is
always involved in everything – usually well
beyond the call of duty.

Call up to Greythorn Park on any Sunday and
the only time she isn’t there attending to one “only those who have served with
task or another is during the couple of hours her on the committee would be
her Team Manager’s duties require her to be
elsewhere when her team is playing away. truly aware of just what an
amazing and capable contributor
As if this wasn’t enough, she can usually be
found at her team’s training sessions as well. she is.”
How she manages to combine everything she
does for the Falcons with raising her two sons
and running her household whilst also
working full time will forever remain a mystery
to most of us.
It is with great pleasure that we award
Jenny Exell Life Membership of the
Greythorn Football Club.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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