Page 20 - Yearbook2014.psd
P. 20

ROW 3: Jenna DiNicolantonio (Team Manager), Anthony Gale (Team Manager)
Michael Van Benten, Liam Furlong, Christian Nitsou, Ollie Purcell, Paul Kocan
Ben Savage (Coach), Frank DiNicolantonio (Assistant Coach)
ROW 2: Floyd DiNicolantonio, Nicholas Gibson, Bailey Milligan, Jesse Zafirakos,
James Savage, Zane Beckter, James Boussounis, Cooper Barnard-Brown,
Ky Ingram
FRONT: Rafael Carmel, Riley Clarke, Keely O’Flynn, Andrew Argyrew, Cody Soussa
Benjamin Gale, Dan Stavretis, Kiran Chandra

A Opposition coaches regularly commented on
nother great year for the boys
how well we played as a team and that we
from Tackers Red. It was amazing
showed great sportsmanship which is a credit
to see how much the boys shot
up over the summer and their to the whole team and to their parents.
skills also improved immensely. This year we were the “big” boys with the
majority of our team 2nd year players and
We had 10 first year players and over the even a couple of 3rd year players. Unlike last
course of the year, they seemed to get better year when we always seemed small compared
and better with each game. We worked hard to our opposition, this year we were probably
at training on teamwork and structure, namely the biggest team in the league. And it showed
the Wall, Handball receives and Hot spot, and in our overall results.
boy did it reflect on our performances.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
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