Page 74 - Yearbook2014.psd
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The players sat down together on Grand final was. The year that is the end of a journey for
night (without the coaches) and the Captains nearly all of these players.
asked the question, “How do we feel?” The
We would have loved to win the flag, but that
answer was "What we have here, are mates, a is just pride. The success has been in the
team, ("belonging" we would call it) and an journey. Thanks for the opportunity.
awesome year of footy, that cannot be taken
away from us by not bringing home the flag.
Article Prepared by Assistant Coaches
For both of us, we saw 29 young men and Bill Thiel
their families being part of a thing of real Craig Waldon
substance. We have discussed this many
times over the journey and both agree that this on behalf of
is reason we coach. That is why we put in the
effort and most of all that is what puts a smile Adrian Gallace
on our face when we remember the year that Coach GDU Demons Colts

League rules require that when a merged team is formed only one club can take responsibility for the
administration of that team. In our case, Greythorn is the responsible club for the GDU Under 15s
whereas Doncaster is the responsible club for the GDU Colts.
As a result of this arrangement we have coordinated the Awards for the Under 15 team – as set out in
the previous section, but it is Doncaster’s privilege to announce the winners of the awards for the
Colts team. This announcement will be made at Doncaster’s Presentation Day which is scheduled to
be held a week after our event. As such, we are unable to provide details of the Colts award winners
nor do we even know who they are. We trust our membership understands this arrangement.
What we can do however, is to make mention of three players from the team who were invited to
attend the League Presentation Evening as a result of their stellar performances this season.
Invitations to the League function are restricted to the top ten place getters in their respective counts.

Zane Kadlecik - Runner-Up YJFL Best & Fairest - Colts – Section 2
Zane was declared the Runner-Up in the League award for the best
players in Section 2 of the Colts competition.

Zane was also selected in the Full Forward position in the YJFL “Colts
Team of the Year.”

James Waldon – Third YJFL Best & Fairest – Colts Section 2

James was declared the third best player in the League award for the best
players in Section 2 of the Colts competition.

Christian Thiel – Fourth YJFL Best & Fairest – Colts Section 2

Christian was declared the fourth best player in the League award for the
best players in Section 2 of the Colts competition.

Greythorn Football Club 2014
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76