Wealth Creation

Wealth Creation

At Player Hall we understand the challenges that people face in a financially uncertain world. To help bring clarity we take a personalised approach by listening to your ideas, and setting realistic goals that take into account your current and future needs. Our professional team will work with you to design a financial plan specifically tailored to your individual situation.

Our team is armed with the expertise to assist you in developing a successful wealth creation strategy.

Our services include:

  • Wealth Accumulation
  • Wealth Protection
  • Superannuation strategies
  • Pre and post retirement planning
  • Self Managed Super Funds
  • Home and business lending*

* outsourced (please note that any lending services are not endorsed nor responsibility of Count Financial Limited)

Wealth Accumulation

Saving for the now, investing for the future!

Saving is the setting money aside. This accumulates and helps you achieve short on long-term goals. Your savings in a bank account will earn you interest, which forms part of your assessable income and taxed at your marginal rate.

Investing is putting money into assets in order to provide returns and build capital wealth and security. There are many possible investments available, and Player Hall is here to inform you of the features and benefits of each, and how they will work for you in whatever stage of life you’re in.

Saving is the first step in the right direction, if you are unsure of how to start saving, Player Hall can assist you in planning a budget. Feel free to use our handy budget planner, and start shaping your finances today!

Saving and Budgeting

Set financial goals, plan ahead, start being proactive with your savings strategy, and start growing your wealth!

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Investment Fundamentals

Investing your savings into an asset class can seem daunting as there is so much information available. The below attachment is a great summary of each asset class, its advantages and disadvantages, and what asset classes are better suited to different types of investors.

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Investment Choices

There are many types of investment vehicles to choose from. Here is some information on managed funds, direct shares, bonds and exchange traded funds to help you decide which combination is right for you.

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Market Volatility

Many investors become concerned when volatility occurs in global financial markets – particularly about the impact on their superannuation and other investments. In times like these, it is important to understand the causes of market movements and how to minimise your risk.

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Risk and Return

When deciding which investments are right for you, it is important to understand the trade-off between risk and return and how to manage investment risk. A risk profile can help identify the type and mix of investments that will best help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals.

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Wealth Protection

Why do we insure our car, home and other possessions, but so few of us insure ourselves? If you were to stop working for an extended period, due to sickness or injury, would you be able to continue to pay your bills? Personal risk insurance gives you peace of mind that if the unexpected occurs, you and your family will be provided for. The staff at Player Hall will help you make the right choice regarding what type of insurance will benefit you.

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Choosing the right insurance

Choosing the right type and the right amount of insurance is essential to make sure that if anything were to happen, you and your loved ones would be looked after financially. There are four main types of personal insurance. These include:

Life insurance
A lump sum payable on death or terminal illness. This can help support your dependents to maintain living standards or pay off debts.

Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)
A lump sum to help support you if you are totally and permanently disabled due to illness or injury.

Trauma cover
A lump sum to help support you if you are diagnosed with a specified major medical condition (eg. heart attack, stroke or cancer).

Income protection
A monthly income stream to help support you if you are temporarily unable to work because of illness or injury.

Superannuation Strategies

Superannuation is a specialised type of investment designed to help you accumulate a significant level of savings for your retirement.

To encourage you to save for retirement, the Government provides various tax concessions for super investments. Player Hall can help you take advantage of the following tax concessions making saving through super more tax-effective than saving outside it.

Superannuation strategies include:

  • Consolidate your super
  • Track down your super
  • Salary sacrifice
  • Government co-contribution
  • Super splitting

Want to learn more about these strategies and how you can potentially benefit? Click HERE to find out more and make an appointment with our team.

Retirement Planning

At Player Hall we conduct a detailed analysis to understand your current situation and help you set goals for your retirement.

We will work with you to achieve your ultimate retirement lifestyle. When you would like to stop working? How much income will you need to live in your retirement?

Whether retirement is in the imminent future or years away, it’s vital that you understand the different retirement strategies available, so that you can make the most of your retirement. Starting sooner is better!

Transition to retirement strategies

A transition to retirement strategy may give you more flexibility and allow you to take advantage of tax concessions to help achieve the lifestyle and super balance you want.

Boosting your super

Superannuation can be one of the most tax effective ways to build your retirement nest egg. There are a range of strategies you can consider to boost your super savings.

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Retirement Income

One of the most effective ways to provide some or all of your required level of income in retirement may be via a regular retirement income stream such as an account-based pension or an annuity. Some retirees may also be eligible for an Age Pension or other benefits from the Australian Government. It’s important to understand how all these options work, to determine the solution that is right for you.

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Estate planning

Estate planning involves much more than having an up-to-date Will. It is important to ensure that your assets are distributed in the most effective manner and without adverse tax consequences for your beneficiaries.

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Wealth Creation Financial Planning Services provided as an authorised representative of Count Financial Limited AFSL 227232.

The advice provided is general advice only as, in preparing it we did not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before making an investment decision on the basis of this advice, you should consider how appropriate the advice is to your particular investment needs, and objectives. You should also consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making any decision relating to a financial product.