Business Advisory

Business Advisory

Player Hall can assist you in adding value to your business. We offer a wide range of business consulting services to ensure that your business is as competitive, focused and as profitable as it can be.

We provide advice and services in the following areas:


We will benchmark your business with ATO guidelines, this will provide you with insight to:

  • Compare your business to others in the industry, and what the ATO see’s as “normal”.
  • Will allow you to make accurate and educated comparisons against prior years and against your competitors.
  • Analyse the key performance indicators of your industry, to ensure your business is running as effectively as possible.


Budgeting is such an important tool not only for business but also for our individuals/families. Budgets assist you in acquiring funding from banks, pin point where your business could cut costs, or indicate where more attention to a specific sales segment could be beneficial. We will teach you how to use a budget to provide you with constructive feedback assisting your business to prepare for the future.

Business Start Up

We will assist every step of the way in turning your business idea, into reality.

Cash Flow

Cash flow reports provide information, which can assist your business to more effectively manage your cash and improve your overall profitability. Analysing your cash flow will assist you to:

  • Pin point exactly when cash is available
  • Plan for the growth of your business
  • Plan for taxation obligations and payments

Strategic Planning

Together we will form a strategic plan to clearly outline where you want your business to be in the next 3-5 years. From there we will provide you with solutions and guidance that will enable you to achieve all your goals and objectives.

Business Intelligence

We will help you to harness structured data to improve decision-making, financial management, regulatory compliance and customer service. Business intelligence can help organisations transform data into insight and achieve higher levels of performance.

Succession Planning

Not matter what type of business you have, or how long you have it, every business owner will eventually exit their business. Planning for the sale of your business, should be as important as planning for the sale of your home, however many fail to invest the same time, effort and money planning for the sale of their business.

Developing a succession plan will ensure you realise the maximum value of your business when you retire, and may be the most important financial decision you ever make.

Whether your business is to be passed onto family members or sold externally, Player Hall will invest time to understand the needs and expectations of you and your family. Together we will develop and implement a succession plan that balances your personal circumstances with the needs of the business.

Business Valuations

Player Hall can assist you with an idea of the value of your business. We have access to many specialist advisors who can assist with specialist valuations for many reasons, some being:

  • Sale of business and succession
  • Family law
  • Partnership or Shareholders disputes
  • Strategic planning
  • Litigation support
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Bank and other lenders financing
  • Tax requirements