Meet the Team

Kerrie Player

Kerrie Player


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Leah Hall

Leah Hall


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Tracey Steel

Tracey Steel

Office Manager

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Kristy Leon

Kristy Leon

Senior Accountant

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Tracey McLennan

Tracey McLennan

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Jessica Vidler

Jessica Vidler

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Kristy Leon

Kristy Leon

Senior Accountant

Kristy is the “baby” of the firm. Over 8 years ago a timid teenager walked into the interview that changed the rest of her life. Kristy soon figured that Player Hall was not your typical boring accounting firm and became family almost instantly. Her biggest concern of course having to wear the colour green five days a week, although these days you will often see her proudly strutting her green self up and down West St on a daily basis.

Kristy was a public practice virgin before joining Player Hall in 2008, her first 3 years adulting in the workforce were spent in a Management Accountant roll, which bored her to tears. Little did she know how exciting TAX and GST would be! Like a fish to water, Kristy took to her change in career and excelled. Since being with Player Hall she has completed both an Advanced Diploma in Accounting, and a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of New England, and with no P’s mean degree’s approach either, her OCD perfectionist attitude earning her excellent marks. With this Kristy became recognised in our community as a JP, and 2014 Chamber of Commerce Young Business Executive of the year.

Kristy has always been a bit of a gypsy, living in almost every part of the Central Coast, and travelling the world in-between moves. However, she has now decided it’s time to be is all grown up and responsible, recently purchasing her first home in Terrigal. With the new home came an unexpected realisation that she holds some amazing tradie skills, which have been hidden beneath her blonde hair and fancy clothes. What’s more exciting is her engagement to her new found love the electric sander.

If she isn’t in the office, or doing manual labour, you will spot her running around the Central Coast with her little white fluffy dog called Shmoo. Yes, you would be surprised by how many of our clients have seen her run!

Leah Hall

Leah Hall


Leah Hall puts the Hall in Player Hall, a local girl, born and bred on the Peninsula. Her drive and determination to one day become partner in a firm took her straight out of Umina High into an accounting traineeship in the Sydney, whilst studying a Bachelor of Commerce at Newcastle University. And yes this typical Coastie girl rocked up to her first company mufti-day in board shorts and thongs!

After only a few years at Hall Chadwick in Sydney, Leah moved her career to the Central Coast, the hustle and bustle of city life was not for her. Whilst working locally she was able to keep her head in the books and began the CPA program. Half way through finding out she was expecting her first child, who said you can’t sit a CPA exam 8.5 months pregnant? With a baby on the way, Leah began to work for herself and set up an office from home, and through mutual clients she met Kerrie Player. The rest is history!

Leah is extremely passionate about all things superannuation, she is our SMSF expert! She is truly dedicated to retirement planning and wealth creation, becoming quite well known in the local area for her expertise. Her reputation earning her 2014 Young Entrepreneur of the year!

Business aside, Leah’s greatest achievements in life are her beautiful children Imigeon, and Cooper. Both children attend local schools, and are heavily involved in the local sporting community. If your children play either netball or football on the coast, chances are you have heard her trying not to be that crazy sideline mum!! Leah also participates in some of the local favourites being soccer, touch, and more recently netball. If you ever have the opportunity to see her play, she will be the one you hear hustling up her team mates, or teaching the ref how to ref! All of these sporting teams are of course proudly sponsored by Player Hall.

If Leah isn’t in the office, or on field, you will find her family cruising around Brisbane Waters, towing either a wake board or the ski tube! She is always keeping active, and is a firm believer that a healthy body and healthy mind come hand-in-hand.

Leah is an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited

Kerrie Player

Kerrie Player


Kerrie is the Player in Player Hall. She was born and raised in Mudgee a small country town out West, but decided at the ripe age of 17 that she was after a little more excitement and adventure and relocated herself in the “big smoke” Sydney to invigorate her free spirit.

Those who know Kerrie would describe her as loud, flamboyant, boisterous, and colourful to say the least! You only have to look at her wild and wonderful pink hair, or listen to her crazy contagious laugh to realise she is no ordinary boring accountant. She calls a spade a spade, if you want an honest, no fluff answer - Kerrie is your woman.

Seeing as though Kerrie has been living on the Central Coast since 1988, she believes it is her right to call herself a true Coastie. Kerrie prides herself on being a local. She is passionate about her clients treating them like friends and family. She is there to lend a shoulder to cry on, or a kick in the butt if and when required, and of course her favourite to help celebrate in her clients achievements.

Kerrie has been a qualified practicing accountant for over 30 years: now that’s a lot of tax changes!

Kerrie set herself up from home in 1993 in order to care for her two beautiful daughters Kate and Beck. With a growing client base and the kids at school, Kerrie moved her small business from her home in Barrenjoey Rd, to her first office in West St Umina, where she met her soon to be business partner Leah Hall in 2004. And the rest is history!

All business aside Kerrie’s pride and joy are her two daughters who she calls her best friends. The three of them share a love for music and the arts, often attending live theatre and events together, and more recently backpacking through parts of Europe!

When she is not in the office crunching numbers, you will find her either burning up the dance floor on a local social night, or getting her hands dirty in whatever part of the house she decides to demolish and rebuild this month, just don’t ask her to cook a meal!

Kerrie is an Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited

Tracey Steel

Tracey Steel

Office Manager

Tracey is the “Mother Hen” of the Player Hall team. She began her career with Kerrie Player 15 years ago when Kerrie was working from her home in Barren Joey Rd, and has been her right hand woman ever since. Four office moves, a change in business structures, names and partners Tracey is still with us, one might say she’s part of the furniture.

Tracey is the face you see to greet you at our front desk, or the first voice you will hear when you give us a call. Her roll within the firm is to not only ensure that the office’s day-to-day functions run smoothly and effectively, but also looks clean and presentable. She has also adopted the roll of kicking us all in the butt when approaching lodgement deadlines, or god forbid not getting our Trust Account forms signed! Then you know you’re in BIG Trouble!

Tracey’s ability to memorise client information is uncanny, she will not only remember your face, but she will remember where you live, how many children you have and how long you have been a client!

Tracey has been married to her best friend Greg for an amazing 29 years, and together they have three beautiful children Paul, Jess, and Lach. Being a mother to three young adults, Tracey has also become the mother figure of the office. She is always keeping us girls grounded, being a sounding board for whenever we need one, and a shoulder to cry on if necessary. This doesn’t mean that she can’t be a bit of a bossy boots at times, she is always laying down the law!

Tracey’s new found passion for fitness has inspired not only us girls in the office, but so many in our community. She is a regular participant in local ladies boot camp, and she is often taking what she has learned and encouraging us and those around her to adopt her new healthy lifestyle!

Tracey McLennan

Tracey McLennan

Tracey was born and raised in Umina Beach and is very passionate about the people who live and work here. She loves helping our local businesses to thrive and succeed.

Prior to joining player hall in January 2019 Tracey held numerous high level executive administrative positions.

In 2013 Tracey took a career move and decided to follow her love of numbers and become a bookkeeper. After years of hard work and study Tracey became a registered BAS agent.

Tracey came on board to complement our existing clients bookkeeping and GST compliance.

In her spare time Tracey looks after her 4 children who all have active and very busy schedules.

While Tracey loves to cook vegetarian meals for her family she also loves to support Umina’s local food outlets.

Jessica Vidler

Jessica Vidler

Jessica is one of the newer members of the Player Hall team, but is already wearing the colour green with pride. She has been welcomed into the team with open arms and she is already loving the atmosphere of the Player Hall office, never experiencing a workplace quite like it before! She has certainly discovered that this is indeed not the typical financial services firm.

Jessica grew up on the Central Coast, attended local schools and started her accounting career as a trainee whilst still attending University at Ourimbah. She has always been a lover of numbers, so she began a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, not quite knowing where it would take her. Luckily, a first year accounting course grabbed her attention and led her on the path that would eventually lead her here to Player Hall!

Along the way she met a charming Kiwi man and together they made the move to live and work in Sydney. Working on George Street with a view over the harbour was quite the experience, but she soon realised that she will always be a Central Coast girl at heart. Pregnant with their first child, they moved back to be close to family and raise their own growing family. Jessica and James now have two beautiful girls, Ella and Maia who are 7 and 5 years old. Jessica prides herself on being both a dedicated and passionate mother as well as a committed and attentive accountant.

Jessica enjoys spending time with her family on the weekends, going to the beach, playgrounds or checking out local fetes, festivals and markets. She is passionate about environmental issues, always trying to limit waste and re-purpose items. She has yet to perfect her vegie garden and compost, but she is determined to one day to achieve a successful edible garden.



Kathryn started with the firm in September 2018 coming from a medium sized accounting firm in Sydney. Kathryn didn’t start her working career as an Accountant, instead working in Administration but her boss at the time saw her passion for numbers and moved her into an Assistant Accountant role, starting her accounting career.

Kathryn moved to the Central Coast when pregnant with her son Jayden. After having a few years off to be a mum she was offered a role in a medium sized Accounting Firm in Sydney on a three-month probation period to offer Bookkeeper services to clients. Six years later she left the company as an Accountant, in that time having built up the Bookkeeping Department while also completing a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a double major.

Kathryn then moved into commercial roles as the internal accountant giving her experience outside of an Accounting Practice, but later decided to move back into an Accounting Practice to further her studies. After a few more years of commuting to Sydney she stumbled upon our ad and jumped at the opportunity to work at Player Hall.

When Kathryn isn’t at work she is usually at Avoca Beach watching her son surfing.



