
What people have said about Don Jeffers and Naomi Rosenthal ...


"My wife Mary and I have been clients of Don Jeffers for 15 years or so. At the time we didn't have a lot of money. We only paid our contributions into our respective super funds and realised that this wouldn't be enough to retire on. Under Don's guidance we started setting up the preparation for our retirement. Having worked with Don for many years now, we have found that he's a very good financial adviser. He provides us with extremely good service and he is very patient.

"Our relationship with Don is based on mutual trust and respect. We rely heavily on Don's knowledge and expertise; in fact we couldn't do without it. He's our best and most trusted source in regards to financial matters. I believe that if we had looked after our own investments, without professional help and guidance, it would have proven to be inherently dangerous. I am absolutely convinced that without Don's knowledge, research and expertise, we wouldn't be where we are today.

"I don't begrudge paying Don. Not only do I get good service, but more importantly, I get to sleep at night and money gets transferred into our bank account at the end of the month.

"I definitely feel that I get value for money by working with Don Jeffers, and I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for a financial adviser."

Malcolm James, Lane Cove

There really is only one reason for me to engage a financial advisor; to make money for me, and act in my best interest. I have no doubt that Naomi goes the extra mile for her clients; this seems to me to be part of the values she adheres to.

Given my long standing relationship with the firm, I have no hesitation in recommending Naomi to anyone who seeks honest, straight forward, professional financial advice.

Adolfo Basa, Carlton

“Finances are not my strong point — I don’t have a ‘numbers brain’ — so I rely on Naomi Rosenthal’s excellent financial guidance. I can count on Naomi to do everything in her power to get the best possible financial results for me.”

“Naomi’s industry knowledge and willingness to advise and help her clients achieve the maximum impact on the financial front really shines. I strongly recommend Naomi as a financial advisor to anyone who’s looking for one.”

Amanda Webb, Editor & Copywriter, Ryde

"We've been clients of Don Jeffers since 1995. Initially we needed someone to help us invest some of the funds from my mother's estate. In 2002 Don helped us to set up our superannuation funds which he monitored for us over the years. I certainly believe that Don has helped us increase our financial security.

"One thing I particularly appreciate is that Don is very accessible. I can call him any time. I certainly have asked him curly questions over the years and he's always answered them promptly and efficiently - in my view this is a real asset of working with him.

"I also appreciate that Don sends us quarterly reports to let us know where we stand and what is happening with our investments. There is no doubt in my mind that Don has his clients' best interests at heart.

"I am more than happy to rate him at a 9 out of 10, and I would recommend Don as a financial adviser to anyone."

Richard Crowe, Greenwich 

"I've known Don Jeffers for 30 or so years and I appreciate the fact that he approaches investments in a very methodical way and he's very accommodating. Having worked in the financial industry for more than 20 years, I chose my financial advisor very carefully.

"Even though I am retired now, I still have a keen interest in what's going on in the market. I believe that it is important that client and financial advisor cooperate.

"I rate Don's customer service, team and accessibility at a 9, and I am very happy to recommend Don as a financial planner to my friends and family."

Geoff Roney, Castle Hill

"Don Jeffers has been very good to us. We've been a client of Don's since 2006. When we arrived in Australia, I had some pension funds from the UK and I needed advice as to how to best invest the money in Australia. Don's advice over the last 6 years has been hugely beneficial to us, in particular in the areas of superannuation, tax and family benefits.

"There are a couple of things I admire and appreciate about Don. His attention to detail, his very, very good grasp of the financial markets and the global situation, as well as the time he spends preparing himself for our quarterly meetings.

"Don is very personable and genuinely interested in his clients' circumstances and this doesn't stop with the financial situation. I have no doubt that Don has our best interests at heart. He calls in specialists such as lawyers and accountants to consult and advise in specific areas such as wills, family trusts etc. Don makes sure that all the structures are in place to keep me and my family safe.

"Don is always available to answer my questions no matter how curly they are and provides answers quickly and accurately. Don has got a great deal of knowledge that spans from investment advice to pensions and beyond. This is why I have no hesitation to recommend him to family, friends and anyone else who feels they need financial guidance and advice.

"I do feel that I get value for money by working with Don. Not only do I get time with him, and he's available when I need clarification, but on the whole the investments he has recommended to us have performed or overperformed."

David Horn, Forestville

I like working with Naomi. She’s an extremely efficient young woman. She does what she promises she’d do, and I very much feel looked after by her.  I really appreciate her honesty with regard to what I should or shouldn’t do.

Naomi has done real magic with my money and whatever she thought would be right for me proved to be correct.  Never, ever in my wildest dreams could I imagine feeling so financially secure in my retirement.  The results of Naomi’s strategies exceeded my expectations.

Ann Rondeau, Hornsby

We certainly feel that Naomi’s on the ball and knows what she’s doing. The result is that Naomi provides us with sound financial advice and the results we’ve been able to achieve give us peace of mind. We value and appreciate the time Naomi puts in for us.

I do have the expectation that my financial adviser provides excellent customer service and goes the extra mile. I believe I get value for my money, and I am happy to recommend Naomi as a financial advisor.

Ellis & Lyn Rosen, Mosman

“We’ve been clients of Don Jeffers ever since we came here from the UK over 5 years ago. At the time we needed a financial specialist to help us with transferring our funds and investing money here in Australia. We’ve remained clients of Don’s and are very happy with the level of service, his knowledge and not the least, his integrity.“  There is no doubt in our minds that Don has our best interest at heart and he definitely provides value for money. Because I am an economist by background, I am interested in the economic developments and challenges facing us.

“Don and I don’t always agree with each other, and I find it really valuable to be exposed to a different point of view. The research Don does on his clients’ behalf is extensive and profound. This is why I rely heavily on Don’s input and follow his recommendations in about 90% of the cases. I also like the fact that we meet regularly and he sends us a quarterly statement, to inform us where we stand and how our investments are performing.

“I am more than happy to recommend Don Jeffers to anyone in my circle. In my view he’s a good professional, very approachable and reliable.”

David Johnson, Newport

“Don, thank you for sorting out my financial affairs as usual. Knowing that my investment portfolio is regularly monitored, administered and reported on has allowed me to totally focus my efforts on my professional commitments.”

Dr Annie Lim
Consultant Pediatrician

“My late husband and I have been clients of Don Jeffers for 20 years or so. He’s changed employers and ultimately opened his own practice. We’ve remained clients throughout all these changes. We are very happy with the level of care, customer service and results Don has achieved for us over the years.

“Our financial security, we believe is due to the advice and recommendations that Don has made. We’ve implemented 90% or so of his advice. My husband was a very conservative investor, but at some stage we did take the plunge and “loosened the reigns a bit” – I’m very pleased to say that it did pay off for us.

“Don’s an excellent communicator and he keeps us informed. I feel he’s very proactive and ensures that if a particular investment is underperforming we move the money into better performing funds. Don provides us with a quarterly report, and although there is a lot of information to go through, ensures that I am up to date with how my investments are travelling.

“Don really does have my best interest at heart; I have no doubts about that. I would recommend Don to anyone who feels that they need help with their investments.”

Jill Forster, Hunters Hill

“We first met Don in 2002 when selling our shareholding in the family business to retire. With his guidance we established a very comprehensive financial plan, created several efficient tax-effective income streams and established two non-superannuation portfolios via discretionary trusts for our adult children. He has helped arrange bridging finance when we relocated to a new home, has guided us in settling a large, complicated estate and introduced us to other very competent professionals to assist us in our inter-related estate planning and accounting requirements.

“With Don's ongoing general assistance and portfolio advice, we feel very relaxed, confident and able to thoroughly enjoy our retirement.”

Judith & Robert Daly
Retired Business Owners

Naomi is very well organised and operates via a strict protocol and compliance regime.

Naomi responds in a timely and professionally sound manner. This is something I appreciate and value greatly. Naomi is much more than just my financial advisor.  We’ve not only become friends but business referral partners as well.

Naomi’s customer service is excellent; she certainly goes the extra mile for her clients.

I highly recommend Naomi to anyone needing a Financial Planner.

Jim Ellis, Lane Cove


Naomi is my financial planner, advisor and confidante.  Her financial “tough love” approach really works for me. Since I’ve started working with Naomi, my interest in financial matters has increased.

Naomi is a good teacher and I’ve learned a lot from her. She ensures that I get involved in all the decisions and that I understand the implications of the actions taken.  Her only agenda is suggesting strategies and tactics that are in my best interest.

I recommend Naomi as a financial planner to whoever is looking for someone. I am a very happy client indeed.

Kelly Noonan, Botany


“I’ve been a client of Don Jeffers for quite some years now. In fact he became my senior advisor back in the early 80s. Don left his employer and unfortunately had to sign a restraint of trade agreement, which meant that he wasn’t allowed to work me for a set amount of time. However I wasn’t satisfied with the advisors assigned to me and started looking for Don because I really wanted him to advise and guide me again.

“When I decided to start my own business after 40+ years in employment, I needed a professional to help me set up a sound retirement plan. Don played a big part in setting up the structures.

“I certainly have come to appreciate Don’s knowledge of not only the financial markets, investments etc., but also his good and sound knowledge of different industries.

“Don’s a very good listener; he also is very sympathetic of my family and business situation and circumstances. There was a time when it was challenging for us to travel to his offices due to my son becoming a quadriplegic. Don was more than accommodating and visited us at our home to make things easier for us.

“I do need Don’s advice and listen to his recommendations very carefully. I’m more than happy to recommend Don Jeffers to anyone who’s looking for a financial planner.”

Terry Darcy, Terrey Hills

“Don and I have worked together for over twenty years and have many mutual clients, often with quite complex financial affairs and many involving companies, self-managed superannuation funds and family trusts. We have found the manner in which Don reports to his clients and his collaborative approach with us to be very helpful, enabling us to achieve the best overall taxation result for the client.”

Emanuel Calligeros, FCA
CCS Partners
Chartered Accountants

“Don Jeffers has been my financial advisor for 20 years or so. I’ve followed Don as he moved from working in large corporate organisations to running his own practice. Over the years I have developed a deep sense of respect and trust in Don’s knowledge and capabilities as a financial advisor and guide. I like Don as he’s a good human relator and persuader.

“He’s taught me a lot over the years, and thanks to this I’ve become more involved and better educated in all aspects of my financial affairs. Even though I don’t always agree with Don’s recommendations, we always find common ground. I am very clear and conscious of the fact that the ultimate buying/investment decision lies with me. However, Don provides me with sound investment advice, good research and ensures that he recommends first class products. Nobody, not even Don has a crystal ball; however, I am certain that I am financially better off because of his recommendations and guidance over the years.

“I can access Don whenever I feel I need to, he’s always happy to talk to me and invest time and provide the information I do need. Don’s charging model, in my view, is very reasonable given the value I get from him.

“I’m very comfortable to recommend Don to anyone who’s after good and sound financial advice.”

Malcolm Holdsworth, Adelaide

“Don, I just thought I’d let you know how pleased the various clients I have referred to you have been with the financial planning advice and attention you have provided them. It is very reassuring knowing that they are being professionally taken care of in your areas of expertise.”

Tony Farquhar

“Don Jeffers is an immensely likable guy. He’s been our financial advisor for 12 or so years now, and we really do appreciate what Don has done for us over the years.

“Don’s a communication is clear and succinct, and his administrative process is excellent. He’s a steadying influence on us and this has been very important in particular over the last few years. Don’s always available for us, here to help, listen and to give us advice. He provides us with updates on how our investments are travelling on a 3 monthly basis. I have to say that the two page summary he sends us with the reports is absolutely first class.

“I am more than happy to recommend Don’s services to anyone, in fact I’ve referred him to my son.”

Peter Joyce, Tasmania

“Don, your presentations rated well with our members. The evaluation summary is from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Results for content rating received 4.7 and speaker presentation skills received 4.5 which is an excellent result, so congratulations.

“Assisting members to maintain the highest professional standards through appropriate continuing education programs is a major function of the NIA’s Continuing Professional Education. Without your support it would not be possible to provide this service.”

Christine Iannello
Professional Development Administrator – NSW
National Institute of Accountants

Naomi really cares about her clients, she takes the time to explain things in great detail and in a way I as a lay person can understand and relate to. This instils a great deal of trust in what it is Naomi is doing and how she goes about it. Naomi looks after my superannuation, helps me plan my retirement, insurance cover and cash flow management. I trust her to do the right thing for me. If you’re looking to engage a financial advisor you can trust, is professional and acts in your best interest, I strongly recommend you give Naomi Rosenthal a call.

Kristina Dijanosic, Chester Hill

Naomi restructured my super and insurances and we meet annually to review the results and make adjustments to the portfolio based on her recommendations.  Although I would be a small client for Naomi I feel that she cares about my future and acts proactively to improve my super.

Since working with Naomi I feel more confident that my super is being well managed and I am grateful for her knowledge and engagement in my financial decisions.

Kyla Shelley, Dee Why

Naomi cares deeply about her clients, she’s engaged and interested about our wellbeing financially, physically as well as emotionally.  For us she’s become much, much more than just a financial advisor, she’s become a friend, and we trust her advice implicitly.

We have no hesitation in recommending Naomi Rosenthal to friends and family.  In fact, we suggest to anyone who seeks sound, honest and reliable financial advice get in touch with Naomi and get professional advice. We wouldn’t be where we are today without her. We’re 100% happy with what she’s achieved for us.

Lesley & Alan Duncan, Chipping Norton

I freely admit, I’m fairly financially naïve and trust Naomi completely.  Naomi is always upfront and transparent in declaring her fee structure.
Naomi not only ensures that my insurance cover is appropriate for my personal circumstances; she also looks after my superannuation. And we’ve just we started putting into place a retirement savings plan.

I definitely get value for my money by working with Naomi and I’d recommend her to anyone who’s looking for a financial advisor as she’s got her clients best interest at heart.

Nicholas Monteban, North Sydney

I am more than happy to work with Naomi: she’s bright, bubbly and full of energy. She understands people’s needs, and is transparent in regard to her responses.

A personal and trusting relationship with my financial advisor is paramount for me.  Naomi is clear headed, empathetic and at the same time provides support when needed. However, she’s professional enough to maintain discipline and distance to provide sound financial advice.

As a matter of principle, I reassess the relationship with my financial advisor every 2 – 3 years, and so far, after almost 40 years of being a client, I can’t find any reason to take my business elsewhere.

Phil Beale, Toronto

I feel cared for and looked after by Naomi and her team. All of them are there for me whenever I need them. They are very accommodating, courteous and happy to explain things in a way I can easily understand. If I need something, I just pick up the phone and know there will be someone to help me out. This is very reassuring.

I am very happy with my choice of engaging Naomi to help me with my finances.   I have no hesitation in recommending Naomi to friends and family – she does a really good job and is great to work with.

Sandy Casaroli, Sydney

Professional Wealth Services Pty Ltd - Ground Floor, 56 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060 | Phone : (02) 9455 0665 | Fax : (02) 9455 0001