Career Opportunity: Study for a Degree and Earn income
Your chance to learn and earn!
Each year Fleming Partners offer career opportunities to school leavers and university students through our University Accounting Degree Program. We invest a substantial amount of time and money into developing young people who have finished their HSC or recently commenced tertiary studies. The Program can vary in duration depending on the type of study undertaken but it is generally completed within four years. The valuable work experience and skills gained while completing tertiary studies has led many of our program participants into exciting employment opportunities including Partners, Tax Managers, Business Advisors and Superannuation specialists. The University Accounting Degree Program involves studying four subjects full time during the first semester and working full time while studying two subjects by distance during in semester two. Completing a Bachelor of Accounting in this full time / distance study method provides the participant with the best of both worlds. Participants are full time, permanent staff and are on the payroll for the full year.
The benefits and working conditions we offer include:
- Valuable on-the-job training with experienced trainers.
- On-going mentoring systems.
- Award salary when at work and youth allowance rate when at University.
- Payment of a text book allowance per subject.
- Time off work to study for and attend exams.
- Access to in-house and external training courses.
- Access to our library resources.
Successful applicants will likely possess the following attributes:
- Strong academic background
- Developed interpersonal skills;
- Proven participation in team activities such as sport, casual work or other community activities.
HSC applicants do not need to wait until their university place is confirmed but offers of employment are subject to university acceptance.
Whilst positions are not immediately available, applications are welcomed at any time during the year. Successful applicants will usually (but not always) commence employment before their first university semester, in early to mid February.
Telephone enquiries may be made to Mr Graeme McKindlay on (03) 5881 1377.
Mail: PO Box 591, Deniliquin NSW 2710
Deliver: 354 George Street, Deniliquin NSW
Email: Subject line: University Accounting Degree Program