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What Our Clients Think

“I met with Sam 11 years ago when I started working in Sydney after my schooling had finished. In those days, I had no idea with regards to financial matters and planning for my future. I lived week-by-week which was very tough at times. Sam showed great patience with me and my very sceptical nature identifying investment products and various mechanisms I could use to consolidate my finances and achieve solid growth with investments. I took this information and started doing a little bit of reading of my own so as I could make a somewhat informed decision. It didn't take me long to realise that Sam understood what I needed at that time in my life to move in a forward direction… and so I did.

Many years later, my risk profile has changed somewhat as I look to invest in more sophisticated products to ensure a secure future for me and my new family. Unquestionably, I always feel extremely comfortable with the recommendations Sam comes up with.

The personal and professional manner that Sam has maintained even after all of these years would be extremely difficult for anyone to top.

I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Sam to those looking for a great service as well as anyone wanting to tap into his knowledge for securing their own financial future. Thanks a million Sam.”

M. Eldridge
IT Professional

"George keeps an attentive eye on our investments and is attuned to our needs. He always advises of variations that will be in our best interests. He is very responsive to our queries, listens and takes note of our views. He provides a clear and concise explanation of issues and consults with us on changes he identifies in our best interest. He acts quickly on recommendations as agreed and we look forward to continuing our association."

Malcolm & Helen

“My wife and I deeply appreciate the services of financial advisor, Sam El Shammaa. Sam has provided quality advice and professional service to us for the last few years now. He is friendly and approachable and gives advice that is easily understood. We trust him implicitly. Sam understands our financial goals and goes to every effort to make those goals a reality.

We have no hesitation in recommending Sam to those looking for help in how to best invest their money.”

Robert & Katie Apps
Solicitor & Music Teacher

"George has provided consistent advice about saving and investment over many years that is tailored to our needs. He recognises our philosophy in terms of investment and provides a range of options for us to choose from. George is always happy to take the time to explain various strategies."


“We have been the clients of Sam El Shammaa for the last 20 years and would highly recommend his services. Sam have assisted us with our investments and self-managed super fund and we are happy with the results. He always explains the pros and cons of different approaches and recommend the most efficient financial vehicles for our needs. A number of my friends are also the Sam's clients and they also are very happy with his service. I will definitely continue to rave about Sam El Shammaa’s services”

Igor & Olga

"George has been great - a wonderful person to help navigate the financial challenges we face. He is consistent and highly responsive."


“I found Sam El Shammaa after a lengthy period of hunting around for a trustworthy financial advisor. I had spoken to many and seen three by the time I got to Sam.

I found Sam to be very unusual in his approach as he was interested in providing a service, however clear that the service had to be based on the particular circumstances peculiar to each individual. He was serious and thorough about looking at my circumstances and recommending a package of options that suited me; my context, life, constraints, resources and financial insecurities.

At the time, I was not well off at all and Sam spent a considerable amount of time advising me on how to improve my financial situation. His advice has always been sound, he has never been pushy and he has always listened. Unlike some other advisors he is not out to make a quick buck as if he were he would certainly not have chosen to assist me at the time of our meeting.

Sam has a values based rationale for his work, he has chosen this work as he sincerely wishes to assist people to increase their security, improves their lifestyles and increases their options. His advice has always done this for me and working with Sam I have the freedom to disagree and discuss and amend options with a trusted advisor. Nine years later I am financially secure, own several properties and have money in the bank.

This is a genuine testimonial. I think Sam is fabulous and offers an honest personalised service that in this busy and mad world is virtually impossible to obtain from any professional.”


"George is a friendly, responsive and knowledgeable advisor who has always made it his business to be aware of my wishes and circumstances. The advice given, allowing for the vagaries of the market, has been consistently sound."


“I have been a client of Sam El Shammaa for over 7 years now and in that time, have found Sam to be very knowledgeable about a variety of investment strategies and products. Furthermore, Sam has been very open to understanding my particular investment needs and together we have been able to discuss my wealth creation goals and have taken steps to try to achieve these goals in workable timeframes.

An aspect of my dealings with Sam I find very comforting is that he is very approachable and has gone out of his way to provide a range of options for me to assess before undertaking any investment strategies. I have never felt pressured to follow a particular product line as I am able to make an informed decision. To date my investment strategies are working for me and I look forward to my continued association with Sambe Investments Pty Ltd.”

IT Manager

"George Pereira consistently demonstrates professionalism and courtesy. As a client, I have always found that Mr Pereira is attentive to my circumstances and individualises financial planning to suit my needs. I can, and do, recommend Mr Pereira to others."


“Sam has looked after me for over 10 years and although I'm abroad he is always responsive and gives sound objective advice. In addition, Sam is a genuine and warm person.”


"George is a dedicated professional who provides timely and sound advice subject to my needs. He takes the time to listen and shows a genuine interest in his clients. It's a pleasure working with him as my advisor."


“Back in 2000 I lived from week to week and paid off my debts when I could! I left the company I was working for to start a new job which meant I was paid out of my annual leave! Through my new boss I was given Sam's details because once I had paid my debts off I had a little money remaining and did not know what to do with it! Not to mention because I changed jobs every 2 years I had superannuation all over Sydney. Upon meeting Sam, I immediately felt very safe and knew I would be looked after. Sam went on a mission to find all of my superannuation (and some of it was not easy to extract believe me) and then consolidate it! What a relief to me to know it was all done and now secure in the one account. Not only did he do that but when I left that job another 2 years later he was back on the phone to me making sure I was rolling over my Superannuation into my new fund. He made it so easy for me by sending me the correct documentation, especially when I did not have time, I can always rely on Sam to make sure I am not under too much pressure!!

Now that small amount of money I had, has now turned into a substantial nest egg, one which makes me feel very secure! 5 years ago, I would not have believed I would have the money I have today! All it took was for someone to explain to me the benefits of saving and investments and how a little money each week can go a long way to ensure I have a brighter future! Not only did Sam do this but he has guided and encouraged me the whole time! He has never forced me to make any decisions, in fact if he thinks I do not understand clearly (and let's face it who does understand financial jargon) he will sit with me until he is convinced I understand! He is not content until he knows I leave his office and have a complete understanding of where my money is going! He genuinely cares about his clients! I trust him and know my situation would not be where it is today had I not met Sam!

Sam is highly articulate, sensitive, and firm and above all has his client in mind at all times! He has become a friend, instead of a financial planner (even though I am probably his 100th call for the day, he knows everything about my account and makes me feel like I am talking to my best friend).

I would highly recommend Sam to anyone looking to change their financial situation. Sam knows how to get results.”

L Barker
Director of Sales

"George Is a wonderful adviser. Being a young family, our needs tend to change very often, however George is always available to discuss these changes and able to make suggestions and implement plans to achieve our finance goals. I highly recommend him."


“Sam has been my financial planner since 2004. Since then he has provided reliable advice and service to help me grow my Superannuation and reach my financial goals. I am more than happy to recommend his planning and financial services”


"George is always professional and friendly and really tries to understand our needs. He knows his stuff and always follows up."


"I have been a client of Sam's for several years now and not only is the service friendly, comprehensive in terms of reporting and advice provided and solutions tailored to your lifestyle but Sam's service realises results. When I first came to see Sam, I had credit card debt and no investments. Today I have investments and own an apartment. Sam carefully reviews your situation and goals and tailors a plan that is personally suited to you. Sam is also pro-active in following your progress to ensure you meet your goals. I would recommend Sam to anyone, no matter how large or small your current income level or current investments, Sam can help you build and grow your wealth. Also, I no longer live in Australia, but I have the peace of mind that my assets in Australia are properly managed and reviewed. Love your work Sam"


Chief Financial Officer

"George is an excellent Financial Adviser who was great in setting up an SMSF. He is now assisting us with our portfolio and future plans as we move towards retirement. He is providing an excellent service and we look forward to having George as our adviser as we move towards retirement."


“Sam El Shammaa has been our financial advisor since 2000. Our previous financial advisor in Brisbane referred us to Sam when we moved to Sydney.

Sam is an open, friendly man who we have come to appreciate and trust. Sam listens carefully to our requests. His records of meetings are accurate. He responds promptly to issues we raise. He is available for meetings without undue delay. His investment recommendations fit our agreed investment strategy. He is pro-active but not aggressive. When changes have occurred in the way he conducts his business he has kept us well informed.

At his suggestion, we set up a self-managed superannuation fund. We have set modest goals for the fund and with his advice we seem to be on track in achieving them.

We appreciate Sam's integrity.”

Neil & Margaret Holm

"I have always found George very straightforward and honest and prompt in his responses to me. He is very clear with his explanations, and very practical in his advice. He is also very respectful and considerate. I have already recommended him to family and friends."


“I came into Sam's office approximately 9 months ago in dire straits. I did not have a cent to my name and in a crazy amount of debt. Sam spoke to me in a personal, professional way and has turned my life around. I am now out of debt, ready to start a savings/investment plan and feel so in control of my life again. All I can do is thank Sam (and a friend for recommending him).”


"George is always accommodating about meeting and never makes us feel rushed during. George follows up on issues and makes it as easy as possible to prepare documentation when needed. In fact, George unravelled a horrible mess in setting up our SMSF left by our previous advisor. We appreciate George's good humour and find him to have high integrity with his advice, which he does not give lightly if he is unsure."
