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Warning - Possible Scam

Please be alert for any unexpected calls, email or SMS claiming to be from Capitalwise, Capitalwise Groups, Capitalwise Investments or any variations of our name.

We have been alerted by members of the public who we do not provide advice to, that they are receiving calls from someone claiming to be from Capitalwise or a variant of our name.

If you receive an unexpected call, remember to not give any personal details or information to the caller. Simply disengage and give us a call on 02 8599 0835 to confirm – not the phone number the caller provides.

If you receive an unexpected email or SMS, do not click any links provided or reply. You can email us at to confirm.

Remember, we will never:

  • ask you to confirm your name, other personal details or your account numbers via phone, email or SMS.
  • offer you investment opportunities via phone, email or SMS.
  • discourage you from being vigilant and taking an extra step to ensure your safety.

For further information about scams and identity theft, please go to: