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We offer the following services:
We provide the full range of accounting services, including expert advice and assistance with MYOB, preparation and/or assistance with BAS's and preparation of financial statements.

DKA provides a range of Self Managed Superannuation Fund management and administration services to assist you to grow your wealth through the use of a Self-Managed superannuation fund.
We have a team committed to providing both the technical strategies required to maximise your superannuation benefits and the administrative support to ensure ease of management of your superannuation fund.
We also provide audit services for Self Managed Superannuation Fund’s.

Cash Flow Projections
Cash flow is the life-blood for any business. We have expertise in cash flow forecasting, and can assist you in setting up a monthly forecast as well as monitoring your actual performance against the forecasts on a monthly basis.
Business Performance Monitoring
We can compare most business performance criteria to industry standards. We provide advice on how to improve your key performance indicators (KPI'S).
Company Secretarial Services
Maintenance of statutory records including share registers, director and shareholder minutes. Preparation of company returns and lodgement of documents with ASIC.
Portfolio Management Services

We have a secure web based portfolio administration service, which allows you to view a current balance of your or your entitiy’s Investment Portfolio.
This service is automated such that listed stocks and managed funds are updated by brokers or other information relating to investment transactions of the entity, i.e. buys/sells, dividends and trust distributions.


We provide advice on effective tax planning, including business structures, superannuation and tax minimisation.
We can attend to all your taxation requirements including preparation of income tax returns forcompanies, trusts, partnerships, superannuation funds and individuals.

We offer advice on compliance with GST legislation and BAS preparation services.
Businessand Asset Protection Structuring
We can advise you on appropriate corporate structures to assist in asset protection and tax minimisation.

Our audit services provide your stakeholders with an independent and commercially sound overview of performance with integrity and credibility. Our services include:

  • advice on the application of accounting policies and accounting and auditing standards
  • compliance auditing
  • corporate governance advisory
  • external audit
  • financial due diligence reviews
  • financial reporting
Other services
  • New business appraisals Valuations of businesses for both buyers and sellers.
  • Due diligence reports.
  • Non-Executive Directors to provide independent advice and external analysis to assists companies in efficient operations, growth, and profitability.

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