Our Firm

CorpTax Solutions Pty Ltd ("CorpTax Solutions") was formed in December 2000 with the intention of providing a high-quality, cost-effective taxation compliance and consulting service to public companies, large private companies and National Tax Equivalent Regime ("NTER") participants in Western Australia; either exclusively or in tandem with the current adviser. The issues associated with such entities, arising from both their domestic and foreign interests, requires a detailed knowledge of federal income tax laws, recent tax reform measures introduced following the comprehensive Review of Business Taxation.

The CorpTax Solutions' key team are ex-Big 4 and have chosen to advance their corporate taxation specialisation in a "boutique" environment. Team members have a wealth of experience in assignments dealing with large corporate tax issues. The diverse skill set of this team will ensure that a complete service is delivered.

Our team approach ensures that we are able to respond quickly to any urgent matters, without excessive levels of hierarchy. Our experience shows that this approach allows our clients to be serviced with maximum communication and in the most cost effective manner.

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CORPTAX SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants & Registered Tax Agents
ABN 83 095 268 358 | 43 Bonito Way SORRENTO WA 6020, Australia | Phone: + 61 8 9246 9536 | Fax: +61 8 9246 9588
e-mail : info@corptaxsolutions.com.au

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