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When will we learn to protect ourselves from ourselves?

For years now, Australians have been hacked, scammed, contaminated by viruses, and spammed.


If these forms of robbery were not profitable, they would have stopped by themselves.  Unfortunately, it’s the common person who makes them profitable.  The Australian government and associated entities that have tried to stop those behind these criminal acts have all failed. 

In Russia they call this sort of thing ‘creative marketing’ and there are no rules to stop it.

Australians get scammed out of many millions of dollars every year because highly trained people prey on those bought up to think humanity is basically good. 

The internet has made this belief into a real disadvantage by allowing criminals to exploit our naivety over and over again and at almost no cost to them.  AI is going to make things worse.

What next?

  1. Remember: No matter how much you want one, there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’; a lost and wealthy relative in Nigeria; a long-lost relative who left you a fortune; etc.  Even on the very rare occasion there is a win coming your way you won’t be advised via a dodgy call centre or mail system in a poor part of the world.
  2. Your protection is up to you. A lesson we’ve all had to learn the hard way.
  3. Government protection has not eased the situation.
  4. Phone calls.  Just hang up, though you might not be able to stop a shout of frustration first.
  5. E-mails. Never just click on links, always check the send address because a scammer cannot identically replicate the domain name of a legitimate supplier. If you can’t resist, then firstly confirm the offer via at least two other means.
  6. Don’t let your personal situation lead you to click on a link, reply, or open an attachment. 

Given the millions of contacts looking to scam you out of something, the number who lose is very small. 

DON’T BE ONE OF THOSE WHO LOSE.  If you are in any way concerned just hang up, and keep hanging up.




Craig Byron

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Service 1

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