Salary, wages, allowances and tips
Payment summary amount at Item A
Payment summary amount at Item B
Payment summary amount at Item D
Payment summary amount at Item E
Superannuation income - taxed element
Superannuation income - untaxed element
Taxable government allowances
Gross interest
Dividends - total received
Dividends - franking credit received
Current year capital gains
Of the current year capital gains, how much relates to assets held for >12 months?
Current year capital losses
Net business income plus net farm management deposits or repayments
Net rent (positive or negative)
Partnership income, trust income and other income
Work related deductions
Personal deductible superannuation contributions
Gifts, donations, and cost of managing tax affairs
Capital losses applied from previous years
All other deductions incl. tax losses applied from earlier years
Tax Offsets
Spouse and housekeeper offset
Superannuation income stream offset
Net medical expense offset
Other tax offsets (if applicable - see Australian tax return instructions)
Did you have private patient hospital insurance cover for the whole financial year?YesNo
Were you aged 55 or more at 30 June of the prior financial year?YesNo
Are you eligible for an Australian Government pension?YesNo
Amount, if any, of salary sacrificed superannuation contributions?
What tax in relation to the current financial year has already been deducted/paid to the Australian Taxation Office?
Amount, if any, of reportable fringe benefits amounts?
Amount, if any, of net investment losses?
Amount, if any, of any exempt foreign employment income?
Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debt?YesNo