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2024 Year End Tax Planning Guide (Part 2)

Over May and June we will add two articles to our website to help you plan and take actions before the end of the 2023-24 financial year.


This is Part 2 and focuses on key strategies to manage your tax bill.  Both Part 1 and 2 will cover the following and all are worth spending some time to review and think about how your business can organise your affairs in these areas.

Areas of tax planning to be considered:

  • Key Tax Minimisation Strategies. (added to website last month)
  • Round Up of Other Year End Tax Issues.
  • Other Tax Effective Strategies for Businesses to Consider.
  • Superannuation Tax Planning Opportunities.
  • Immediate Write Off & Temporary Full Expensing for Individual Small Business Assets.


Immediate Write-Off For Individual Small Business Assets & Temporary Full Expensing

This bit could be wrong.  Bill is before Parliament that will temporarilty increase limit to $20,000 but Opposition amended to $30,000 but either yet to pass into law and this has to be spent before 30-6-2024.  ‘As it stands, businesses with a turnover of less than $10 million can claim the instant asset write-off for assets valued less than $1,000 and that are first used or installed between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.’

From July 1, 2023, the instant asset write-off threshold is now a maximum of $20,000. revert to $1,000 from July 1, 2023.. Conditions for accessing the $20,000 instant asset write-off threshold for small business entities in the 2024 income year include:

  • It only relates to Plant, Equipment and Vehicles. It does NOT relate to Capital improvements to buildings.  
  • The items can be new or second hand. You can have paid cash or they can be financed. 
  • The entity must operate a business during the 2024 income year.
  • Its aggregated annual turnover must be under $10 million, based on either the current or previous year's figures.
  • Choosing to apply the simplified depreciation rules for the 2024 income year is necessary.
  • The asset's cost must be less than $20,000.
  • The asset must be first used, or installed and ready for use, for a taxable purpose between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

It's crucial to understand that if a small business entity opts out of applying the simplified depreciation rules for the 2024 income year, they won't have access to the instant asset write-off rules, regardless of meeting other basic conditions.
The instant asset write-off threshold applies per asset, allowing small business entities to potentially deduct the full cost of multiple assets throughout the 2024 year, provided each asset's cost is less than $20,000. Additionally, the $20,000 threshold applies to determining whether the full pool balance is written off in the 2024 income year.

Eligible assets for the instant asset write-off rules are those falling within the depreciation provisions. Capital improvements to buildings under the capital works rules are excluded. Assets costing $20,000 or more, which cannot be immediately deducted, can still be included in the small business general pool and depreciated at 15% in the first income year and 30% in subsequent income years.


Checklist of Other Year End Tax Issues

In addition to the tax planning opportunities, there are a number of obligations in relation to the end of the financial year which should be considered:

If you use a Motor Vehicle in producing your income you may need to:

  • Record Motor Vehicle Odometer readings at 30 June 2024
  • Prepare a log book for 12 continuous weeks if your existing one is more than 5 years old. Please note, if you commence the logbook prior to June 30, 2024, the usage determined will still be appropriate for the whole of 2024/25. As such, it is not too late to start preparing one for the current financial year. (Tip – the ATO has an App that can assist with keeping records such as business use logbooks -

If you have started an account-based pension:

Ensure that you have withdrawn the annual minimum required.

If you are in business or earn your income through a Company or Trust:

  • Employer Compulsory Superannuation Obligations:

The deadline for employers to pay Superannuation Guarantee Contributions for the 2023/24 financial year is the 28 July 2024.  However, if you want to claim a tax deduction in the 2023/24 tax year the super fund (or Small Business Superannuation Clearing House) must receive the contributions by 30 June 2024. You should therefore avoid making contributions at the last minute because processing delays could deny you a significant tax deduction in this financial year.

  • For Private Company - Div 7A Loans - Business owners who have borrowed funds from their company in prior years must ensure that the appropriate principal and interest loan repayments are made by 30 June 2024. Current year loans must be either paid back in full or have a loan agreement entered into before the due date of lodgement of the company return. Failure to comply risks having it counted as an unfranked dividend in the individual’s tax return
  • Trustee Resolutions - ensure that the Trustee Resolutions on how the income from the trust is distributed to the beneficiaries are prepared and signed before June 30, 2024 for all Discretionary (“Family”) Trusts. If a valid resolution hasn’t been executed by this date, the default beneficiaries become entitled to the trust’s income and are then subject to tax. Income derived but not distributed by the trust will mean the trust will be assessed at the highest marginal rate on this income.
  • Preparation of Stock Count Working Papers at June 30, 2024.
  • Preparation and reconciliation of Employee PAYG Payment Summaries (formerly known as Group Certificates). Note you are not required to supply your employees with payment summaries for amounts you have reported and finalised through Single Touch Payroll.


From 1 July 2024:

The compulsory Super Guarantee Contribution rate increases from 11 % to 11.5% from July 1, 2024.

Company Tax Rates For Small Businesses

The company tax rate for base rate entities with less than $50 million turnover was 25% for the 2024 financial year where it as:

  • An aggregated turnover less than the aggregated turnover threshold ($50 million)
  • 80% or less of their assessable income is base rate entity passive income – this replaces the requirement to be carrying on a business.


Other Tax Effective Strategies For Businesses


  • Stock Valuation Options - Review your Stock on Hand and Work in Progress listings before June 30 to ensure that it is valued at the lower of Cost or Net Realisable Value. Any stock that is carried at a value higher than you could realise on sale (after all costs associated with the sale) should be written down to that Net Realisable Value in your stock records.
  • Write-Off Bad Debts – if you operate on an accruals basis of accounting (as distinct from a cash basis) you should write off bad debts from your debtors listing before June 30. A bad debt is an amount that is owed to you that you consider is uncollectable or not economically feasible to pursue collection. Unless these debts are physically recorded as a ‘bad debt’ in your system before 30th June 2024, a deduction will not be allowable in the current financial year.
  • Repairs and Maintenance Costs – Where possible, and cash flow allows, consider bringing these repairs forward to before June 30. If you don’t understand the distinction between a repair and a capital improvement please consult with us because some capital improvements may not be tax deductible in the current year and could be claimable over a number of years as depreciation.
  • Obsolete Plant and Equipment - should be scrapped or decommissioned prior to June 30, 2024 to enable the book value to be claimed as a tax deduction.


Superannuation Tax Planning Opportunities


The tax-deductible superannuation contribution limit or cap is $27,500 for all individuals regardless of their age for the 2023/24 financial year.  This will be increased to $30,000 from the 1st July 2024.

If eligible and appropriate, consider making the most of your 2023/24 financial year annual concessional contributions cap with a concessional contribution. Note that other contributions such as employer Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC) and salary sacrifice contributions will have already used up part of your concessional contributions cap.



If your total superannuation balance as at June 30, 2023 was less than $500,000 you may be in a position to carry-forward unused concessional caps for up to 5 years.

Members can access their unused concessional contributions caps on a rolling basis for five years and amounts carried forward that have not been used after five years will expire.

The advantage of making the maximum tax-deductible superannuation contribution before June 30, 2024 is that superannuation contributions are taxed at between 15% and 30%, compared to personal tax rates of between 32.5% and 45% (plus 2% Medicare levy) for an individual taxpayer earning over $45,000.

Typically, self-employed individuals and those who earn their income primarily from passive sources like investments make their super contributions close to the end of the financial year to claim a tax deduction. However, individuals who are employees may also use this strategy and those who might want to take advantage of this opportunity.



If eligible and appropriate, consider utilising all or part of your 2023/24 financial year annual non-concessional contributions cap by making a non-concessional contribution for up to $110,000 for the 2024 financial year.   This will be increased to $120,000 from 1 July 2024.

If you are not currently in a non-concessional contributions bring forward period, consider whether you may be in a position to ‘bring-forward’ your non-concessional contributions caps for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 financial years.


The Government co-contribution is designed to boost the superannuation savings of low and middle-income earners who earn at least 10% of their income from employment or running a business. If your income is within the thresholds listed in the table below and you make a ‘non-concessional contribution’ to your superannuation, you may be eligible for a Government co-contribution of up to $500.

To be eligible you must be under 71 years of age as at June 30, 2024. In 2023/24, the maximum co-contribution is available if you contribute $1,000 and earn $43,445 or less.  A lower amount may be received if you contribute less than $1,000 and/or earn between $42,016 and $57,016. 

The matching rate is 50% of your contribution and additional eligibility include: having a total superannuation balance of less than $1.9 million on 30 June of the year before the year the contributions are being made having not exceeded your non-concessional contributions cap in the relevant financial year.



If you don’t want to fully retire and would like to reduce your working hours you can take advantage of what is known as “Transition to Retirement" TTR. This means that providing you have reached your preservation age you can elect to keep working full time or part- time and take money out of your super to supplement your income. This is popular for those who want to scale down their working hours rather than retiring.

Date of Birth                                          Preservation Age

Before 1 July 1960                                              55
1 July1960 - 30 June 1961                             56
1 July 1961 - 30 June 1962                            57
1 July 1962 - 30 June 1963                            58
1 July 1963 - 30 June 1964                            59
1 July 1964 - 30 June 1965                            60

When you are receiving a TRT pension you can still work and claim a tax deduction for concessional  contributions into super currently $27,500 for the 2024 financial year, and then increasing  to $30,000 from the 1st July 2024..

If you decide to implement a TTR strategy, you must withdraw a minimum amount currently 4% for someone aged 60 (based on age) from your superannuation account balance up to a maximum of 10%. .

If you are under 60 any amount you withdraw will be subject to tax at your marginal rate of tax. You will also be entitled to receive a tax rebate of 15%. After the age of 60, the good news is that any amount you withdraw is TAX FREE!

Case Study 1 : Bill reduces his work hours

Bill just turned 60 and earns $50,000 a year before tax. He decides to ease into retirement by reducing his work to three days a week. This means his income will decrease to $30,000.  Bill transfers $155,000, of his super to a transition to retirement pension and withdraws $9,000 each year, tax-free. This replaces some of his lost pay.

Case Study 2: Sue reduces her tax

Sue is 60 and earns $100,000 a year. She intends to keep working full-time for at least another five years. Sue transfers $200,000 from her super to an account-based pension so she can start a TTR strategy,

She salary sacrifices into his super. This will reduce her income tax, but also hers take-home pay. She tops up her income by withdrawing up to 10% of her TTR pension balance each year.

As you can see the TRT strategy is very useful for people wanting to work less and supplement their income by drawing from superannuation.  



If you are aged 60 + and retired or 65+ and still working, There are significant tax advantages in taking an Accountants Based Pension from your super. Not only are the withdrawals you make tax-free, but also the earnings within your superannuation fund are tax-free to 1.9 million dollars

 Although you must withdraw, the minimum amount must be paid each year for pensions as per the table below, there  are  no limits on the amount you can withdraw.

The minimum amount for ages: 

Under 65 is 4%
 65 to 74 is 5%
 75 to 79 is 6%
 80 to 84 is 7%

To put in place an accounts-based pension, you will need to speak to your superannuation fund provider.



A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can provide significant tax savings, but they don’t suit everyone. There are significant regulations surrounding the management and administration of SMSF’s. With the end of the financial year approaching, now is a good time to discuss the pros and cons of establishing your own SMSF. It might be appropriate to establish a SMSF in conjunction with other tax planning opportunities.

Staff 1

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Suspendisse sagittis tortor ut ipsum porta ornare. Etiam imperdiet ultricies ligula ac volutpat. Nulla sollicitudin iaculis arcu, vitae ullamcorper ante semper id.

Vivamus non ex in turpis congue mollis. Nullam consequat est congue, sollicitudin augue in, rutrum metus.

Accounting & Taxation

We believe accounting services should be straight forward and stress-free. By providing cutting edge bookkeeping, accounting, taxation and financial solutions and using the right products for your record keeping, our team at Milton Advisory will work with you to understand your needs and help you achieve your goals, making it easier for you to manage your cash flow and meet your tax obligations.

While fiscal compliance is of the upmost importance, we at Milton Advisory also believe in offering management advice and support at all levels of our services. We are committed to offering the highest level of friendly and professional service and welcome the opportunity to work with you.

The areas we specialise in are as follows:

  • Accounting & Tax Consultancy Services
  • Personal & Business Tax Returns
  • Annual Reporting
  • Business and Tax Advisory
  • ATO correspondence Management
  • Self-Managed Super
  • Cloud accounting experts
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Business Advisory

Choosing your business structure is an important decision and Milton Advisory can consult with you and suggest the best structure for your business. There are four main business structures commonly used by small businesses in Australia. They are:

Sole trader: an individual operating as the sole person legally responsible for all aspects of the business. Like other structures, as a sole trader you can employ people to help you run your business. The structure is inexpensive to set up because there are few legal and tax formalities.
Partnership: an association of people or entities running a business together, but not as a company. A partnership is relatively inexpensive to set up and operate.
Company: a legal entity separate from its shareholders. It is a complex business structure, with set-up and administrative costs that are usually higher than for other business structures.
Trust: an entity that holds property or income for the benefit of others. Trusts require a formal trust deed that outlines how the trust operates, require the trustee to undertake formal yearly administrative tasks and if you operate your business as a trust, the trustee is legally responsible for its operations. A trustee of a trust can be a company, providing some asset protection.

Companies and Trusts are more complicated business structures but they have their advantages and Milton Advisory can discuss these with you. It is important to note that you can change your business structure throughout the life of your business.

We can also assist with:

  • Business takeovers
  • Valuation of business
  • Due diligence reports
  • Due diligence services
  • Business risk profiles
  • Specialist Tax advice
  • Tax planning
  • Board of Directors representation
  • Specialist Tax advice
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Corporate Secretarial Services

Milton Advisory has the experience and understanding of the legal and regulatory framework that applies to business entities and we can help you understand the myriad compliance programs and regulated obligations that affect your business/company. We will make sure your business/company meets all its obligations to ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission), the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) and the SRO (State Revenue Office of Victoria). Compliance is of paramount importance but we also believe that management advice and support is a crucial aspect of corporate accounting.

We can assist with:

  • The formation of trusts and new company registrations
  • Preparation of annual company statements
  • Attending to ASIC returns and regular filings on your behalf
  • Any company changes or change of directors
  • Business name registrations and maintenance
  • Renewal of business name/s and other registrations
  • Preparing meeting minutes and drafting resolutions
  • Share allotments/transfers/buy-backs
  • Unit Trusts and allotment/transfer of units and change of Trustee
  • Family Trust set up and change of Trustees
  • Provision of registered office services for service of notices
  • Preparing minutes and drafting resolutions.
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Wealth Management & Protection

Wealth creation, management and protection is a team sport. You need your team to consist of competent professionals and a high quality, well qualified and experienced financial planner should be top of the list.

A client needs to put in place the right strategies and structures, to create and protect wealth and then review these strategies and structures on a regular basis. That is because your circumstances and goals will change and so will the economy and the legislation relating to how your affairs are structured.

Milton Advisory maintain a close relationship with a local financial planner who we trust to help you navigate this important side of your finances.

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Self-Managed Superannuation

Setting up a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund is a major financial decision. We understand that you’re busy and that the SMSF rules are complicated. We will provide you with an end to end solution giving you access to all the support and expertise you need to ensure your SMSF is well managed and compliant.

A SMSF can have many advantages but, equally, you need to consider the reasons why a SMSF may not suit your needs. We can help you decide if this is the right option for you.

Advantages of a SMSF:

Having control of your retirement savings can lead to a deeper understanding of how your overall wealth is tracking, and gives you more confidence in your investment and lifestyle decisions.

You can have access to a broader range of investments. You can invest in the usual options such as shares, term deposits, managed funds and property but you can also hold alternative assets such as artwork, jewellery, antiques, and wine. There are though, very strict rules on holding the latter assets in your self-managed super fund.

You retain control while still being able to take advice from your advisors.

Beneficial tax planning strategies.

Greater flexibility for accessing Centrelink benefits such as the age pension.

But a SMSF is not for everyone:

If you have set up a self-managed super fund (SMSF), you are in charge and you make the investment decisions for the fund. You must also be aware that you are responsible for complying with superannuation and tax laws, maintaining records, providing financial statements, completing tax returns and organising an annual independent audit.

You also need time and expertise to run your SMSF.

Compliance is very important.

There can be up to 4 Trustees and their thoughts and ideas have to be included.

The ATO offers advice on the responsibilities of having a SMSF.

Milton Advisory offers advice on all SMSF services, including:

  • The setting up of a SMSF and all administration tasks such as preparation of your trust deed and the completion and lodgement of relevant ATO statements.
  • Superannuation consolidation.
  • Ensuring your SMSF is compliant with current superannuation laws and regulations
  • Advice on life and disability Insurance options.
  • If there is more than one member in your SMSF, we can offer advice on what will happen in the event of ill health, death, relationship breakdown, or waning interest.
  • Advice regarding Investment in Property
  • Appointment of Trustees
  • Audit of your SMSF
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Milton Advisory can take over all, or some of your bookkeeping activities allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.

Services we can offer include:

  • Design, establish and review accounting systems and software
  • Perform checks, reconciliations and end of financial year reports
  • Manage your accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • Ensure your business is up to speed with legislative requirements and management reports
  • Undertake payroll duties and compliance
  • Prepare and lodge BAS statements
  • GST & PAYE advice
  • BAS Lodgement
  • GST Reconciliation
  • PAYG Withholding & Superannuation reports
  • Completing expense reports
  • Direct to bank account transactions
  • Organising your documents and records
  • Data / ledger entry
  • Paying bills
  • Completing expense reports
  • Direct to bank account transactions
  • Provide general business administrative support
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Secure File Transfer

Secure File Transfer is a facility that allows the safe and secure exchange of confidential files or documents between you and us.

Email is very convenient in our business world, there is no doubting that. However email messages and attachments can be intercepted by third parties, putting your privacy and identity at risk if used to send confidential files or documents. Secure File Transfer eliminates this risk.

Login to Secure File Transfer, or contact us if you require a username and password.

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The information provided on this website is for general guidance only and should not be used as a substitute for professional accounting advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented, we cannot guarantee its suitability or applicability to your specific circumstances.

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Milton Advisory is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.

We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.

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Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your Personal Information may be disclosed in a number of circumstances including the following:

Security of Personal Information

Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your Personal Information. However, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in client files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.

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In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.

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It is an important to us that your Personal Information is up to date. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you find that the information we have is not up to date or is inaccurate, please advise us as soon as practicable so we can update our records and ensure we can continue to provide quality services to you.

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03 9008 4571