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Enjoying Life Assets

Enjoying life assets.

  • Finally, you don't have to get out of bed to go to work anymore?
  • Wondering how to survive on a Centrelink benefit from age 65?
  • Concerned you will outlast your superannuation?
  • Want to make sure your estate is passed on as per your wishes?

Enjoying life assets. Seeking financial advice early on in your working lives is really starting to hit home.

No more debt and now looking at travel brochures to plan your next trip.

How can Life Assets continue to assist?

  • Enjoying Life Assets
    • Income Streams
    • Life & TPD Insurance
    • Estate Planning
    • Centrelink Advice

Case Study

We worked with Bill and Marg to establish their goals in retirement. Previous strategies we put in place with them during the “Maintaining Life Assets” phase saw all their debt repaid many years ago. Bill has now worked part time for the last 5 years and both he and Marg have taken several overseas trips during this time.

Bill is now permanently retired from the workforce allowing them to consider where they would like to live for the rest of their days. They have discussed downsizing as the 4 bedroom home is too large for them and a smaller place at the coast would be ideal for the grandchildren to visit during the school holidays.

We have established account based income streams with their superannuation assets. The earnings in an account based pension are tax free and the income stream is also tax free.

Their cash reserves have been built up over the years but now they can use some of these funds to tour Europe in style and be in Paris for their wedding anniversary.

Although Bill and Marg have accumulated substantial assets to self fund their retirement we were able to assist them in meeting Centrelink eligibility which qualified them for a small aged pension benefit but more importantly a Health Care Card.

We now only need to review their circumstances every 12 months but they drop in for a coffee occasionally with photos of their last trip.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is of a general nature only. It does not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider, with or without the assistance of a financial adviser, whether the information is appropriate for your particular needs, objectives and financial circumstances.