Internet Accounting
  • Having trouble reconciling your GST payable/refundable for your BAS?

  • Do you want up-to-date financial figures and Activity Statement details at minimal cost and effort?

  • Would you like the luxury of having Business Activity Statements and current financial figures prepared, without visiting your Accountant?

Together we can set-up your own personalised cash book with GST indicators already determined, onto a secure Website, for you to regularly enter your own data, at any time, at minimal cost, from any internet connection throughout the world!

Together we can ensure that the data entry for GST (i.e. BAS) will not have to be done again at income tax time.

Together we can produce a reconciled GST Summary with relevant BAS labels for you instantly, at minimal cost.

Together we can download your reconciled financial data directly into your Accounting ledger and have up-to-date trading figures, BAS/IAS details quickly.

Together we can lodge all the above electronically and thus help you maintain and create wealth.

Contact us to find out more >



Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

BAS is Easy
44 Palmerin Street, Warwick Qld 4370 | Phone: (07) 4661 8811 | Fax: (07) 4661 5898 |
Professional Investment Services Pty Ltd. Australian Financial Services
Lic.No.234951 ABN 11074558 608

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