
Fees should always be linked to value – no one minds paying a fee so long as they receive value. Jacaranda FP’s fees are a tiny fraction of the cost of following poor advice, or indeed allowing your financial affairs to drift aimlessly for long periods of time.

Our fees reflect the complexity and input required to meet your objectives. At our first meeting for which there is typically no fee, we will gain an understanding of your needs to allow us to prepare an initial advice document should this be sought. Following the initial meeting, and as a guide, the initial advice preparation fee is generally between $880 and $1,320. If there is greater complexity as a result of a number of family investment structures for example, then the initial fee will be fully discussed and disclosed upfront with you.

Each year at the anniversary of becoming a client, the client enters into an annual fixed term agreement for the next 12 months. The anticipated advice fee for the next 12 months is clearly articulated. Typically, 1/12th of the annual fee is paid monthy (normally deducated from the investment account/superannuation account for which the advice is provided.)

We have a strong view that we offer excellent value. Should you believe that value is not being derived, then there are no contracts or lock-ins that exist for you.

For quality & understandable advice you trust