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Case Studies

"We wish we started investing 20 years earlier!"

Mr and Mrs B:

  • Sold a long standing, successful Riverina business but did not know what to do with the proceeds and how they were going to make their money last.
  • Their company accountant brought them along to one of our seminars and we subsequently had a joint meeting.
  • Their only investment philosophy their whole lives was to invest into their bank's term deposits.
  • We recommended they establish a self managed super fund and invest in high quality, high yielding stocks trading on the Australian Stock Exchange and that we manage and monitor their portfolio.
  • The investments were structured to provide a good regular income and management and monitoring of the portfolio meant Mr and Mrs B didn't have to worry about the day to day decisions within the portfolio or any of the paperwork.
  • The couple have received regular payments from the fund to provide their income needs and the portfolio is now valued at more than double the initial investment amount.
  • This would never have been achieved had they continued to place all their funds into term deposits.
"I can now fulfil my lifelong dream to travel."

Mrs M:

  • Widowed, 68 year old, recently retired.
  • Centrelink pension was initially assessed at $128.90 per fortnight ($3351.40 pa).
  • This caused serious distress as her required income was $25,000 pa.
  • We restructured her assets to create 2 types of pensions for her which provided income of $16,000 pa and increased her Centrelink pension entitlement to $11,900 pa.
  • Total income is now $28,500 pa and indexed to increase every year.
  • Mrs M is so relieved to have this level of income and the financial freedom it gives her. When I last spoke to her, she was planning a four week trip to Canada, a lifelong dream of hers.
"I will now have enough money when I retire to live the lifestyle I desire"

Mrs Z:

  • 55 year old Finance Manager.
  • We restructured her income so that she takes a pension from her superannuation while still working.
  • She then salary sacrifices some of the income she earns from her job into superannuation.
  • This results in an annual tax saving of $11,000.
  • As Mrs Z is planning to work until she is 65, we estimate this strategy will give her an additional $150,000 in her super fund.
  • When she does retire, all that she has in super can be accessed tax free.
  • This strategy has given Mrs Z the ability to save more than she ever thought possible for her retirement.
"Now I can buy a house and keep my investment portfolio!"

Mr S:

  • 29 year old single man had saved $20,000 and wanted to invest it before he spent it. He had surplus income and he didn't want to spend that either.
  • He also wanted to be able to buy a house at some stage in the future.
  • After discussions, he invested the $20,000 and borrowed some more to increase the amount invested.
  • He added his surplus income to the portfolio each month.
  • Now he has a significant investment portfolio which has a cash component which can be used for a house deposit if he ever "settles down".
"I can now work three days per week and know that I've got enough to live on!"

Mrs B:

  • 50 year old who had been working in a high pressure job when she had a major health scare.
  • We restructured her investments, paid down debt and put some money aside in the bank.
  • She salary sacrificed a large amount into super for a period of time to build up her superannuation.
  • Now she has been able to reduce her work to three days per week knowing that she will have enough to live on now and in retirement.
"What will happen when I'm gone? What about my family?"

Mr and Mrs T:

  • 45 year old farmer with 4 children under 8 years of age.
  • Debt on farm and a reduced single income due to drought.
  • Mr T was diagnosed with cancer and given a short amount of time to live.
  • Mr and Mrs T had been clients for some time and we had recommended term life cover of $450,000 and income protection to age 65 for Mr T.
  • We were able to assist with the claim for terminal illness payment and income protection payment.
  • The terminal illness payment enabled the family to purchase a home in town and lease the farm.
  • The income protection provided ongoing income as Mr T did not return to work. Importantly the insurance provided funds to allow Mr T to have a new cancer treatment interstate which prolonged his life for another 3.5 years.
  • The lease payments paid out the debt on the farm and now provide an ongoing income to Mrs T.
  • She still has an asset worth more than $1 million as well as the new house in town.
  • Most importantly for Mr and Mrs T they were able to plan the family's future together before Mr T's death.


Flynn Sprake Financial Planning is an Authorised Representative of Lonsdale Financial Group Ltd
ABN 76 006 637 225
AFSL 246934
