Wealth Creation

The most important step to financial freedom is to have a Financial Plan! Many people leave this until it’s too late in life. Not having a plan equals less choice in your later years, causing much stress and anxiety in your family relationships that could be well avoided if only you had a good financial plan in place.

How to start ...

STEP 1: Clear all your non-mortgage debts

  • Put a budget in place and live within your means
  • Check out the budget planner on www.moneysmart.gov.au

STEP 2: Build up your savings

Once your non-mortgage debt is under control, start a disciplined saving habit, here's how:

  • Invest regularly in a high-interest savings account —
    Set up a regular direct debit or BPAY into a high-interest savings account. You’ll hardly miss the money and watch it grow.
  • Salary sacrifice to super —
    For your long-term retirement savings, begin to salary sacrifice to your super; super is a very tax-effective means for savings.

STEP 3: Speak to a Qualified Financial Planner

Markets are global and changing all the time. It is difficult for an unqualified person to understand the benefits of tax-effective savings and super contributions, never mind how to invest in managed or listed funds. This is where a qualified Financial Planner will help you personalise a plan that will see you transition from now into your retirement.

Start getting the support you need and book a consultation with one of our team members today. Call us on 0408 497 557 or make an enquiry via email at joel_ruig@cwfs.com.au and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.