Our Pricing Structure

Pricing Structure is often a closely guarded secret. At CorpTax Solutions we are transparent with our clients. We have minimised our overheads and pass this saving on directly in our reduced rates.

Our GST exclusive hourly rates are as follows:

Fee Structure:         Steven Molloy 

        Suki Molloy

Rate per hour. 

             $350              $230 


Our GST inclusive hourly rates are as follows:

Fee Structure:         Steven Molloy 

        Suki Molloy

Rate per hour. 

             $385              $253



* Effective 1 July 2013

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CORPTAX SOLUTIONS Pty Ltd Chartered Accountants & Registered Tax Agents
ABN 83 095 268 358 | 43 Bonito Way SORRENTO WA 6020, Australia | Phone: + 61 8 9246 9536 | Fax: +61 8 9246 9588
e-mail : info@corptaxsolutions.com.au

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