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It’s never too early to start talking about aged care with clients

Financial planning professionals should be having conversations with their clients as soon as possible about their aged care needs, says a specialist adviser.


Speaking at last week’s SMSF Association Technical Summit, Louise Biti, director of Aged Care Steps, said advisers need to be aware of the financial implications of ageing clients and be proactive in protecting their clients’ interests from things such as elder abuse.

“The way we think about retirement has changed. We now have much longer retirements to think about and the challenges and expenses that come with that,” Biti said.

“Chances are for most of us, we're not going to be fit, healthy, active, and then drop dead. For most of us, we will have a period of frailty that might be days, weeks, months, or years. We need to think about that and have contingency plans in place.”

Biti said life expectancy is now around 88 years and retirement can be broken into three phases – half of the retirement is considered active retirement, the next phase is a quieter period which is where clients need to start thinking about support needs, and finally the frailty years where there still may be some independence but support needs are higher.

“The frailty phase is somewhere between about 17 to 25 per cent of retirement and it is a big period to leave exposed. Advisers need to think about whether they can afford to leave their clients that exposed, and whether they can afford to miss the revenue that comes with that aspect as well,” she said.

She continued that for advisers who may think their client base is too young to consider these issues, preparing clients early and having conversations pre-retirement is important.

“Reliance on aged care can surface in any conversation with any client, but they might not raise it. You need to be thinking about it, you need to be raising it,” she said.

“For anyone who thinks they’ve only got young clients, and they’re not going to need to know about aged care, there's a reason you do, because these clients need to understand the aged care system and the reality of what their parents are going to do first. We need to break this down and ask what the parents want to do. Where do they want to live? What do they see as life?”

Regarding funding these years, Biti said there are several options including downsizing and using the contributions to boost retirement savings.

“Where somebody is going into care and they have a spouse who is under aged pension age, superannuation for the younger person can be a good way of sheltering assets, because they're not accessible until that person gets to aged pension age. It’s also an estate planning tool,” she said.

“For your business, thinking about the aged care needs of your clients also offers a multi-generational marketing tool, because it is in this space where you’re talking to your older clients that you also need to be thinking about the opportunity to work for the whole family and to bring the younger generation in as well.”

Aged care is a multi-generational tool for financial planning businesses, Biti said, as the next generation will also need advice.

“Research has been done in this space which found that the majority of children who are inheriting all this money and property do not have a financial planner, and less than 10 per cent will get advice from their parents’ financial planner or adviser,” she said.

“That means if you have not had conversations with them and got to know them and show them how you can help support them, they're not going to come to you. There's a lot of business that's going to slip through your fingers as you lose older clients going into this space as well.”

Biti said advisers need to be conscious of their ageing clients and the specific needs that may arise as that phase of frailty nears.

“You might need to go slower and check in with them more. You might need to change how you deliver the information to them and make sure they understand it, go over it again, get them to repeat it.”





Keeli Cambourne
July 29 2024

Hamish Zerbe

Hamish Zerbe

Hamish Zerbe
Financial Adviser / Director

Hamish has been working within the Financial Services industry for over 20 years and has been providing holistic financial advice to clients for over 16 years.

Prior to the establishment of Adelaide Private Wealth in 2014 Hamish worked as a Financial Adviser with one of Australia’s leading Banks after which he worked with many of his existing clients as a Principal in one of Adelaide’s larger Genesys Wealth Advisers businesses.

Over the years Hamish has become a specialist in the areas of portfolio management, personal protection, retirement planning and is an Accredited Direct Equities and SMSF Adviser. He is passionate about partnering with clients to manage their financial affairs effectively, giving them the confidence and time to pursue the lifestyle they wish.

Hamish holds a Diploma of Financial Advice and a Master of Commerce with a major in Financial Planning. He is also a member of the Royal Association of Justices of South Australia Inc and a member of the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA).

Hamish lives in Goodwood with his wife and is a proud father of three young boys. He enjoys playing golf, following AFL, reading and gardening in his spare time.

Ben Newbold

Hamish Zerbe

Ben Newbold
Financial Adviser / Director

Ben has 21 years of experience in the financial planning industry. He has worked for large institutional banks, boutique advice firms and has been delivering holistic advice solutions to clients for more than 19 years.

Ben prides himself on exceeding expectations and providing quality education to his clients around their financial matters, enabling them to make sound and informed decisions.

Ben provides expert and detailed advice in the areas of superannuation, retirement, wealth creation, insurance and Centrelink. He also provides specialist advice in Aged Care strategies to help maximise benefits and minimise aged care fees.

Highly qualified in financial matters Ben holds a Diploma of Financial Planning, a Bachelor of Banking and International Finance and is both an Accredited Direct Equity and SMSF Adviser. He is passionate about using the knowledge he has built up to help clients get to where they want to be.

Outside of work Ben is heavily involved in sport, and is a proud Life Member of both Unley Football Club and Sacred Heart Old Collegians Cricket Club. He enjoys spending any spare time with his wife and chasing after their three children.

Mark Humphris

Hamish Zerbe

Mark Humphris
Financial Adviser / Director

Mark has been involved in the financial services industry for 21 years and has a wide array of experiences that he draws on in giving great advice. Mark believes strongly that personalised advice and guidance together with a very high attention to detail provides clients with the best opportunity to meet their financial and lifestyle goals.

Mark is a strategic thinker and specialises in helping clients initially review and build the right asset and debt structures, before providing detailed advice in the areas of superannuation and investments, cashflow management, family protection and insurances and Centrelink strategies. Mark has had great success in helping people identify and implement opportunities to adjust their cashflow, assets and liabilities to prepare and transition into a great retirement without any financial stresses.

Mark holds a Diploma of Financial Planning, Bachelor of Business (Banking and Finance) and is Listed Security accredited.

When not at work Mark spends time with his young family, enjoys attending sporting events or a quick getaway to the family farm on weekends.

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Hamish Zerbe and Hamish Zerbe & Associates Pty Ltd, ABN 40 573 262 482, trading as Adelaide Private Wealth are Authorised Representatives of Count Financial Ltd ABN 19 001 974 625 AFSL No. 227232 which is 85% owned by CountPlus Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (CountPlus) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and 15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW. CountPlus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial Ltd. The information on this web page is not advice and is intended to provide general information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.

Disclosure - Ben Newbold

Ben Newbold and Ben Newbold & Associates Pty Ltd, ABN 82 782 076 621, trading as Adelaide Private Wealth are Authorised Representatives of Count Financial Ltd ABN 19 001 974 625 AFSL No. 227232 which is 85% owned by CountPlus Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (CountPlus) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and 15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW. CountPlus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial Ltd. The information on this web page is not advice and is intended to provide general information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.

Disclosure - Mark Humphris

Mark Humphris and Strathmore Nominees Pty Ltd, ABN 65 218 962 870, trading as Adelaide Private Wealth are Authorised Representatives of Count Financial Ltd ABN 19 001 974 625 AFSL No. 227232 which is 85% owned by CountPlus Limited ABN 111 26 990 832 (CountPlus) of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW and 15% owned by Count Member Firm Pty Ltd ACN 633 983 490 of Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney 2000 NSW. CountPlus is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Count Member Firm Pty Ltd is owned by Count Member Firm DT Pty Ltd ACN 633 956 073 which holds the assets under a discretionary trust for certain beneficiaries including potentially some corporate authorised representatives of Count Financial Ltd. The information on this web page is not advice and is intended to provide general information only. It does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or personal circumstances.