All of our powerful services now available on your WordPress website

WordPress Maintenance

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Plugin Features

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Is your WordPress website safe from harm?

Poorly maintained WordPress websites are an easy target for hackers, it takes just one vulnerable plugin or out of date install and your entire web server can be compromised putting your business at serious risk. If your site gets hacked you can expect the following:

  • Google will list your website as hacked warning users that your site could harm their computer.
  • Your domain may be black listed.
  • If you don't have offsite backups you could lose your entire site.
  • Your business reputation becomes tarnished losing customer trust and their business.

With an average of 30 external attacks per month, it's a case of when, not if your site gets breached.

As part of our WordPress support our professional staff will maintain offsite backups of your files and database, maintain your website core version and plugins and ensure that website security best practices are met and implemented to keep your website safe and your business running.

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Financial Planning and Accounting news articles added to your site automatically

Use our brand new WordPress plugin to add professionally written Accounting and Financial Planning news articles, formatted and published on your website automatically.

  • Both Accounting and Financial Planning articles available.
  • Complete Wordpress integration with featured images, post excerpts, scheduled posts, rss feed, etc.
  • Articles are completely editable within Wordpress once imported.
  • Schedule articles to be published in a stream or as soon as they are available.
  • Improve your SEO by converting your static website into a dynamic website and improve your bounce rate by providing more content to your users.
PlannerWeb automatic news articles

Australian stock market data right on your site


Our new Stock Ticker delivers up to date market data straight to your website with 100 Australian stocks and frequent updates.

  • Live Australian stock market data updated every 5 minutes from Chi-X Exchange.
  • Top 100 Australian stocks sorted by market cap.
  • Adjustable speed and colors to suit your website theme.
  • Available as a widget and shortcode to integrate into your theme anywhere.

Easily add eWombat and Secure File Transfer to your site.



The better the information you can access then the better is your decision making. Giving you better and more relevant information is what eWombat Search is all about.

eWombat is unique to this site and makes searching the ATO, Centrelink, ASIC and other relevant Australian websites easier, quicker and more accurate than using any other search engine. It's designed for your needs.

Secure File Transfer

A very simple to use and popular system for sending and receiving files to and from your clients. All file movements generate e-mail notifications and uploaded files are automatically deleted after 5 days.

Uploaded files are encrypted and can only be accessed via your website which also promotes extra exposure for your brand and your services.

Secure File Transfer

Email us to find out more

PlannerWeb welcomes your enquiry. Feel free to contact us with any queries you may have and we'll get back to you with an answer right away.

Tell a friend or colleague

If you know a friend or colleague that could benefit from any of the information on this website, please let them know! We will send them a link to this website and let them know who referred them.