Welcome to Wealth Management Solutions

Financial advice that is strictly in your best interest

At Wealth Management Solutions Pty Ltd we ensure advice is in your best interest, and not a fund manager, bank or life office.

Our reason for being is to guide our clients to financial independence as quickly as their risk profile allows them. We put in place strategies that direct them towards their financial goals and work closely with them to ensure they get there. If your goal is to be financially independent with an investment portfolio that will provide you with the income you need – then we can help.


Financial advice worth $399

We would like to offer you a voucher to the value of $399 for financial advice. This offer provides you with $399 of credit to be used for any of the following financial planning services;

  • Strategies to achieve or maintain financial independence.
  • Investment planning including direct shares and managed funds.
  • Redundancy & Retirement planning.
  • Negative gearing into property and shares.
  • Running your own Self Managed Superannuation fund.
  • Life Insurance, Income Protection and Major Trauma Insurance.

Please note: This offer is in addition to our initial, 1 hour free consultation.