Do you have enough money to retire?

You need at least $60,000 p.a. to retire comfortably

Have you a wealth creation plan?

Putting money in a bank account isn't enough

What would you do if your income stopped?

40% of all insurance claims are for income protection

Welcome to Performa Financial Services

Incorporated in 1995, Performa is an independently owned financial planning firm providing impartial advice to clients from Melbourne and Geelong. Assisting small business owners and individuals to plan and keep on track with their goals and objectives ensuring they can look forward to a financially worry free future.

Impartial, fee-based advice

At Performa, financial planning advice is provided on a transparent, fee for service basis without the conflicts of interest that may occur when advice is paid for by commissions.

Investment Philosophy

The underlying premise of our investment philosophy is:

"Maintain the integrity of our portfolios when the markets are underperforming so that we are in a good position to take advantage of market rises when the worm turns, as it inevitably does".

"You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it"

- Tennessee Williams

Client Testimonials

"I know if I had not received professional advice from Performa initially, I would not be looking forward to an early retirement, with confidence we have enough money to see us through to our old age".


Performa Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 77 070 069 582

Corporate Authorised Representative

Patron Financial Advice ABN 13 122 381 908

Australian Financial Services Licence number 307379

Level 6, 93 George Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

Financial Services Guide