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MPL Wealth River

Think for a moment about...

financial security home loan repayments retirement income plan investment strategy income protection retirement goals lifestyle estate planning needs dreams becoming reality insurance needs

These are often things that you probably don't think about all that often, but these are the sorts of things we think about all the time. We'd love to share what we know with you.

Find out more

No matter what stage you are in life,
MPL Wealth Management can partner with you to:

Plan your journey and develop your goals.
Invest in financial products that are right for you.
Protect your wealth throughout the journey.

Sam El Shammaa
George Pereira
Jane Lim
Paul Jayashekar
Christian Tanadinata

In order to better serve you, please select the appropriate contact details for the department you are looking for below.

Department Phone Email
Financial Planning (02) 8599 0835 (Option 1)
Accounting (02) 8599 0835 (Option 2)
Conveyancing (02) 8599 0835 (Option 3)