FOR EXAMPLE: In a previous article there was a link to an ATO page about what a pension is defined as today. However, when clicked on this link produced a ‘page can not be found' Error. This was confusing, time wasting, frustrating and useless. THEN when on the ATO site an attempt to use that site's own Search feature it too proved equally fruitless. By now too much time had been wasted and no progress made. ‘What is a Pension?' was then entered into eWombat (a service located on this website) and in the wink of an eye there were 40 selections listed and the first on the left was a good place to start. In this case, and thousands more like it, eWombat is used, via the use of keywords, to save time and help you find some answers to questions before you contact your Financial Planner or Accountant and in a much quicker manner than any alternative. There are over 1 million resources eWombat can help you find and each time it's almost guaranteed you'll save time. Your Financial Planner