Hot Issues |
| Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar |
| Home is where the super is for many Australians |
| Investment and economic outlook, February 2025 |
| TBC increase not just about pensions |
| SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO |
| Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO |
| Retiree confidence undermined |
| The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024 |
| Up to 700k retirees could be paying more tax than they should: SMC |
| Calls for clarification on NALI/E rulings |
| Australia’s economic growth set to recover in 2025 |
| Carer rights - interdependency relationships |
| Division 296 deliberately deceptive |
| Five financial steps for the new year |
| How to shift into pension mode |
| Best Selling BOOKS of all Time |
| Preparing your kids for financial success |
| Investment and economic outlook |
| It’s super hump month. Make the most of it |
| Know the difference between general and specific NALE |
| Super funds finish 2024 with double-digit returns |
| 9 Ways You Can Invest Using SMSF |
| End-of-year break time for super check-up |
| Most Powerful Economies in Europe | 1960-2024 |
| Women still outpacing men in SMSF establishments |
| Economic and market outlook for 2025: Global summary |
| Preparing to lodge quarterly January TBAR |
| How to overcome your investment fears |
| Navigating the outcome of the U.S. election |
| Divorce doesn’t alter contribution rules |
| $3m super tax officially abandoned for this year |
| Top 20 Most Watched Christmas Movies ever - pre covid |
| A Unique Advent Calendar |
| ATO reviewing all new SMSF registrations to stop illegal early access |
| Compliance documents crucial for SMSFs |
| Investment and economic outlook, October 2024 |
| Leaving super to an estate makes more tax sense, says expert |
| Be clear on TBA pension impact |
| Caregiving can have a retirement sting |
| The biggest assets growth areas for SMSFs |
| 20 Years of Silicon Valley Trends: 2004 - 2024 Insights |
| Investment and economic outlook, September 2024 |
| Economic slowdown drives mixed reporting season |
| ATO stats show continued growth in SMSF sector |
| What are the government’s intentions with negative gearing? |
| A new day for Federal Reserve policy |
| Age pension fails to meet retirement needs |
| ASIC extends reportable situations relief and personal advice record-keeping requirements |
| The Leaders Who Refused to Step Down 1939 - 2024 |
| ATO encourages trustees to use voluntary disclosure service |
| Beware of terminal illness payout time frame |
| Capital losses can help reduce NALI |
| Investment and economic outlook, August 2024 |
| What the Reserve Bank’s rates stance means for property borrowers |
| How investing regularly can propel your returns |
| Super sector in ASIC’s sights |
| Most Popular Operating Systems 1999 - 2022 |
| Treasurer unveils design details for payday super |
| Government releases details on luxury car tax changes |
| Our investment and economic outlook, July 2024 |
| Striking a balance in the new financial year |
| The five reasons why the $A is likely to rise further - if recession is avoided |
| What super fund members should know when comparing returns |
| Insurance inside super has tax advantages |
| Are you receiving Personal Services Income? |
| It’s never too early to start talking about aged care with clients |
| Taxing unrealised gains in superannuation under Division 296 |
| Capacity doubts now more common |
| Most Gold Medals in Summer Olympic Games (1896-2024) |
| SMSF assets reach record levels amid share market rally |
| Many Australians have a fear of running out |
| How to get into the retirement comfort zone |
| NALE bill passed by parliament |
| Compliance focus impacts wind-ups |
| LRBA interest rates increase for 2025 |
| Income-free areas set to increase from 1 July |
| Most Spoken Languages in the World |
| Middle-to-higher incomes boosting SMSF growth |
| Investment and economic outlook, May 2024 |
| Transitioning into retirement: What you should know |
| Plan now to take advantage of stage 3 tax cuts |
| Deeming freeze a win for Age Pensioners |
| Downsizer contributions can be time critical |
| The superannuation changes from 1 July |
| The Deadliest pandemics in History |
| Budget breakdown – Federal Government Analysis |
| Winners & Losers |
| Federal Budget 2024 |
| Getting to a higher level of financial literacy in Australia |
| What is the future of advice and how far off is superannuation 2.0? |
| Investment and economic outlook, April 2024 |
| Australia’s debt service ratio ‘extraordinary’: CBA |
| Connecting an adviser with your children |
| ACCC scam report |
| The Shortest-reigning Monarchs in History |
| ATO warns trustees about increasing crypto scams |
| Aged care report goes to the heart of Australia’s tax debate |
| Removed super no longer protected from creditors: court |
| ATO investigating 16.5k SMSFs over valuation compliance |
| The 2025 Financial Year Tax & Super Changes You Need to Know! |
| Investment and economic outlook, March 2024 |
| The compounding benefits from reinvesting dividends |
| Three things to consider when switching your super |
| Oldest Buildings in the World. |
| Illegal access nets $637 million |
| Trustee decisions are at their own discretion: expert |
| Regular reviews and safekeeping of documents vital: expert |
| Latest stats back up research into SMSF longevity and returns: educator |
| Investment and economic outlook, February 2024 |
| Planning financially for a career break |
| Could your SMSF do with more diversification? |
| Countries producing the most solar power by gigawatt hours |
| Labor tweaks stage 3 tax cuts to make room for ‘middle Australia’ |
| Quarterly reporting regime means communication now paramount: expert |
| Plan now to take advantage of 5-year carry forward rule: expert |
| Why investors are firmly focused on interest rates |
| Super literacy low for cash-strapped |
| Four timeless principles for investing success |
| Investment and economic outlook, January 2024 |
| Wheat Production by Country |
| Time to start planning for stage 3 tax cuts: technical manager |
| Millions of Australians lose by leaving savings in default MySuper funds |
| Vanguard economic and market outlook for 2024: A return to sound money |
| An investment year of ups and downs |
| How to tame the market's skewness |
| The Countries that Export the Most Wine in the World |
| Tips for preparing for the best tax outcomes |
| Working after pension age |
| Does the NALI/E punishment fit the crime? |
| EPOA crucial for SMSFs, says professional adviser |
| Economic and market outlook for 2024: Global summary |
| Five investing tips for beginners |
| Setting up the next generations of retirees |
| A 2023 Advent Calendar for our clients |
| Most Expensive Wars In History |
| ATO takes hard line on in-house asset rules |
| How to budget using the 50/30/20 method |
| SMSFA says proposed super legislation will hit farmers, small businesses the most |
| Investment and economic outlook, October 2023 |
| The benefits and risks of collectable super assets |
| Teaching children about the value of money |
| Most powerful countries throughout time. |
| Retirement is not just about dollars |
| Unfair Terms in a Standard Form Contract |
| Too many businesses roll the dice on tax debt: Jordan |
| Revised NALE rules ‘miss chance to clarify SMSF bugbear |
| 6 simple rules will ensure a deed can be executed in all states |
| Our investment and economic outlook, September 2023 |
| The benefits and risks of collectable super assets |
| High deposit rates, but the case for equities is strong |
| Most powerful LEADERS of All Time |
| Single-asset segregation barred |
| Intergenerational Report 2023 |
| Transferring wealth to the next generation |
| Investment and economic outlook, August 2023 |
| Managing complex relationships in SMSFs comes down to well-crafted deeds |
| Last chance for $25,000 super deduction |
| Super gender divide to remain a challenge |
| Oldest Buildings in the World |
| Advice-Related Complaints Low Despite Huge Rise In General |
| From purchase to lease, SMSF property documentation is essential |
| Taxing unrealised capital gains a grave concern: Burgess |
| Protect your business from cyber threats. |
| Our investment and economic outlook, July 2023 |
| Understanding the role of custodians |
| Returns rebound in 2022-23 |
| The top mode of transport in the world |
| Tax alert warning could catch more in the ATO web |
| Five questions that indicate how financially literate you are. |
| Preparing for EOFY tax scams with business and cyber resilience |
| High interest and inflation can pay dividends for SMSFs |
| Australians need a retirement confidence boost |
| The “secret” to financial freedom? Persist while others quit |
| Top 50 Greatest Cuisines |
| More Australians are unlocking home equity to fund retirement |
| Australians Seek Financial Independence – Report |
| Summary of Superannuation Issues and Recent Changes |
| Legislation changes give market-linked pensions better outcome |
| Inflation drives the cost of retirement to a record high |
| Banking on the Age Pension |
| The keys to high retirement confidence |
| The strong link between advice and retirement confidence |
| Top 50 Greatest Inventions in History |
| Unintended consequences of work test changes to be rectified |
| Banks launch scam awareness campaign |
| ATO warns of rise in SMSF identity fraud and investment scams |
| The importance of SMSF succession planning |
| Our investment and economic forecasts, April 2023 |
| Overview of the Federal Budget 2023 – 24 |
| 2023 Federal Budget: Stronger foundations for a better future |
| Australian retirees face accelerating price pressures |
| Protect your business from cyber threats. |
| Devil in the detail on super changes |
| More women take up SMSF as others look for advice |
| More SMSF members accessing funds without meeting conditions: ATO |
| How Long Could You Survive Drinking Only ......... |
| Weighing up cash deposits |
| Bank closures, market volatility call for perspective |
| China’s economic rebound lowers the odds of a global recession |
| No plans to extend NALI compliance relief, says ATO |
| Why most investors want human advice |
| Comparison: How Long It Takes To Decompose? |
| Contribution caps to stay the same for 2023–24 year |
| Three simple steps for financial wellness |
| Draft super objective to ‘protect super from interference’ |
| Beating back inflation, but at what cost? |
| Why superannuation fund fees matter |
| 100 Most Influential people in the world. |
| TBC set for double indexation from 1 July |
| ATO issues fresh warning on illegal early access schemes |
| When to be proactive about your portfolio |
| Digital advice firm optimistic QAR will ‘reset financial advice’ |
| 2022 by the numbers |
| ATO raises alarm on asset protection scheme for SMSFs |
| Downsizer age reduction now in force |
| SMSFs cautioned on ‘strict conditions’ with SMSF lending |
| Countries with the highest GDP per capita between 1800-2040 |
| Transitioning into retirement: What you should know |
| Auditor flags surprising traps with e-signatures and SMSFs |
| A review of the last two decades in investing |
| A 2022 Advent Calendar for our clients |
| Volatility is here to stay |
| Three things to consider when switching your super |
| Making the most of your super limits |
| SMSF professionals play critical role in Age Pension planning |
| Positive results from research into the value of financial advice. |
| Advisers warned on major timing traps with lifetime CGT cap |
| Draft legislation released for franking credit changes |
| Budget October 2022-23 - Comprehensive summary |
| Federal Budget: all the key points you need to know |
| Federal Budget 2022: Winners and Losers |
| Federal Budget 2022/23 - Documents and Facts Sheets |
| ATO raises ‘illegal early access’ concerns with small business owners |
| Investors and recessions |
| Rapid interest rate rises reveal global market frailties |
| ASIC consulting on changes to SMSF advice guidance |
| ATO taking ‘harsher’ stance on loans to members |
| How costs can add up |
| Take action on valuations now to avoid delays, says ATO |
| Four powerful ways to build investing confidence |
| ATO provides cyber security tips for SMSFs |
| The advantages of investing early |
| Partial property sales eligible for downsizer |
| The Countries that Consume the Most Beer in the World |
| Three tips for building a good portfolio |
| ATO clarifies critical reporting deadline with TBAR transition |
| Pensions to face tougher scrutiny under new TBAR system |
| Withdrawal strategies before death require careful consideration |
| A retirement plan built to last |
| Proof of ownership flagged as ‘biggest’ crypto issue for SMSFs |
| Largest wind power producers in the world |
| How much money do I need to retire? |
| SMSFs warned on common mistakes with bare trusts |
| Should you be getting advice? |
| Tax Office homing in property deductions, SMSFs warned |
| NALI ‘not going away anytime soon’ |
| State and Federal Covid support --- Aug 2022 |
| Preparing your kids for financial success |
| Largest natural gas produces by country from 1970-2021 |
| Strategic asset allocation: a timeless solution |
| Tax tips |
| Super, Death, and taxes |
| ATO responds to GST case involving SMSF |
| ATO statistics show 12 per cent jump in SMSF assets |
| Census 2021 Data |
| How diversification fights investor biases |
| Largest inflation rates by country in oceania |
| How much time and money do you need to consider investing |
| Talking money with a partner |
| Make the most of these super opportunities before June 30 |
| ATO flags changes to TBAR reporting |
| RBA rate rise spurs mixed response from SMSF lenders |
| World GDP Ranking (1960~2025) |
| Work test changes open up TBC strategies for couples |
| Using trusts: Keeping it in the family |
| SMSF account openings shift from self-directed to advised clients |
| ATO ramps up identity fraud detection for new SMSFs |
| ATO ruling may offer solution to NALE issues |
| Largest cities in the world 1500 to 2100 |
| Investors are becoming more ethically conscious |
| Weighing up value and growth |
| How advice gets you closer to your goals |
| Federal budget 2022: Winners and Losers |
| Government intervention in super a ‘low priority’ for consumers |
| ATO upgrades Online services for SMSF auditors |
| Constructing a portfolio using investor profiles |
| Investing for a house deposit |
| Where self-managed super funds are investing |
| SMSFs warned on NALE uncertainty |
| Federal Budget 2022 – Overview |
| Federal Budget 2022 and YOU - Part 1 |
| Federal Budget 2022 and YOU - Part 2 |
| Budget at a glance - Video |
| Mistakes to avoid when markets are turbulent |
| Fresh research challenges guidance on SMSF minimum balances |
| GDP by country since 1800 |
| Risking your retirement |
| A total returns approach to rebalancing |
| SMSFs still experiencing delays with SuperStream |
| APRA proposes updates to super data transparency |
| Why investment predications can be likened to weather forecasts |
| What to expect in 2022 |
| Important detail highlighted in legacy pension draft regulations |
| Vaccination rates (Dose) |
| ‘Catastrophic consequences’: Government lobbied on NALI rules |
| ATO releases new guidelines to combat identity theft |
| Volatile markets underscore importance of discipline |
| Financial burden of COVID sees rise in illegal loans to members |
| 6-member SMSFs proving popular for older trustees |
| ATO holds off on TBAR compliance |
| Bull vs Bear |
| One of the most read articles in 2021 |
| Excuses limited for late death benefit payments |
| Advisers warned on joint entity hurdles for ‘sophisticated investor’ qualification |
| Our 2021 Advent Calendar. |
| Rising life expectancies and retirement |
| Asian Economies (1960 - 2020) |
| Australians planning to work longer to achieve retirement satisfaction: Fidelity |
| The real impact of investment choices |
| A savings strategy for children's education |
| Inflation expectations hit 7-year high |
| Why more Millennials are turning to SMSFs |
| ASIC releases new guidance on crypto investment products |
| Planning your financial legacy |
| New FAR regime and CSLR changes before Parliament |
| Three behavioural factors that can affect retirement spending |
| World's most productive countries |
| SMSFs flagged on updates to contribution measures in upcoming super bill |
| The dos and dont's of revenge spending |
| ATO extends COVID-19 relief for SMSFs |
| Three ways to keep market uncertainty in perspective |
| SMSFs, employee share schemes & NALI |
| Low interest rates require a strategic rethink |
| Greenhouse gas emission by country since 1880 |
| SMSFs can face situational traps affecting related-party transactions with former spouse |
| The right way to rebalance your investment portfolio |
| Lockdowns and mental health |
| The rise of the female investor |
| ATO flags availability of COVID-19 early release super recontribution |
| World's largest armies 1816 - 2020 |
| Retirement can be risky business |
| A proven way to build wealth |
| Two AAT decisions on what constitutes business real property |
| ATO zeroes in on SMSF lifestyle assets |
| SMSF scams are on the rise: Here’s how to fight back |
| Four steps to plan for a better retirement |
| ‘Mammoth consequences’: ATO’s NALI ruling draws ire from professionals |
| Videos and other resources for our clients |
| SMSF members highly satisfied with funds |
| 6-member SMSF registration availability to begin mid-August |
| SMSFs go for growth |
| Tax time: calculating investment income and deductions |
| ATO extends Division 7A relief |
| Drawdown relief for all pensions |
| Tax Time Checklists - Super Funds; Individuals; and Company, Trust, Partnership |
| What's your risk profile? |
| Downsizer and bring forward combination creates new opportunities for super strategy |
| Trust deed must include certain items |
| Five investing tips for beginners |
| End of year financial strategies |
| Budget 2021: Retirement Outcomes |
| Videos to help understand financial planning topics. |
| SMSFs still on top for member satisfaction |
| Understanding home downsizing and super contributions |
| ATO issues final warnings on outstanding SARs |
| New SMSF quarterly statistics highlight continued post-COVID recovery |
| Budget measures designed to give retirees control in increasingly ‘opaque’ super environment |
| Federal Budget 2021 - Overview |
| Building a more secure and resilient Australia |
| Federal Budget 2021 - Health |
| Asset allocations still hold the key |
| Why Australian households are getting richer |
| Dealing with compliance complexities impacting overseas SMSF property |
| SMSFs flagged on Div 7A relief implications from ATO’s updated guidance |
| SMSF Association clarifies NALI issues around pension phase assets |
| 5 strategies for successful ‘work from home’ policies |
| A new crypto world is emerging - the non-fungible token |
| Retirees aren’t sitting on their super: ASFA |
| COVID crash: one year on |
| Phishing scams that pretend to be very reputable companies - BEWARE!! |
| ATO releases updated guidance on LRBA and Division 7A interaction |
| Understanding the coming super balance cap changes |
| A broad range of Calculators. |
| ATO’s good-faith approach to crypto won’t last much longer |
| Navigating the post-pandemic challenges and pathways of super for young women |
| ATO Small Business Newsroom |
| Cost of retirement up in December quarter |
| Why benchmarking will be good for super funds |
| What exactly is inflation? |
| The risks in hunting for higher returns |
| Frydenberg flags super freeze |
| The real value of advice |
| Taking a deeper dive into indexation of the transfer balance cap |
| ASIC sounds warning around high-yield bond scams |
| How to pass the diversification test |
| Rollout of Director ID Numbers (DIN) is ahead of schedule |
| The perks of staying invested |
| Retirees proceeding with downsizing plans as confidence rises |
| Early access boosted interest in advice |
| Vaccination rates as they happen around the world |
| Approaching the dawn |
| Videos and other resources for our clients |
| Retirement the ‘number one trigger’ for financial advice |
| ‘Unfinished superannuation business’ to watch for in 2021 |
| Superannuation ideas for 2021 |
| Retirees need new super investment approach |
| Returning expats reminded on tax snares with pensions, investments |
| 2020 is coming to an end. Phew!! |
| ATO flags key deadlines for early release of super |
| Retirement costs rising despite COVID impacts |
| Government targets fund expenditure, best interests in new super reforms |
| Small SMSFs develop rapidly |
| Investing basics for first timers |
| Behind the dash in new market listings |
| Super, death, and taxes |
| What millennials are thinking about investing and retirement |
| Capital preservation front of mind for SMSF returns |
| Comprehensive list of COVID-19 initiatives and packages. |
| Most SMSFs are still poorly diversified |
| Related party purchases must be clean |
| How your coming tax cut could pay off |
| Majority of retirees expected to fall short on retirement savings |
| Monitoring super performance critical in light of new measures |
| Budget 2020 - A very comprehensive break down. |
| Budget 2020 - Fact Sheets |
| Budget 2020 - At a Glance, Overview, Outlook |
| JobKeeper extension – changes implemented |
| Temporary home office expenses shortcut extended again |
| Investment preferences of the young |
| How to construct an effective portfolio |
| Estate planning opportunities highlighted with work test changes |
| Lenders are getting tougher on older borrowers |
| September update of latest COVID-19 initiatives. |
| Update of Superannuation contribution rules from July 1, 2020. |
| More than $31bn paid under early super release |
| Your super fund, your choice |
| SMSFs urged to act on compliance issues ahead of tougher penalties |
| A beginner's investment guide to long-term wealth |
| ATO confirms important issue on pension payments |
| How SMSF trustees navigated COVID-19 volatility |
| JobKeeper - Latest Update |
| Pandemic spurs a rise in investment scams |
| Estate planning and investments |
| Early release of Super extended to Dec 31 |
| Excess TBC issues surfacing with reduced pension account values |
| The Bond Market. |
| Treasury underestimates early super by $15bn |
| 'But how will we pay for this?' |
| SMSFs urged to review leases before granting rent relief |
| New financial year to bring new rules for super |
| Extra Tools & Resources for our clients. |
| Ways to outsmart your cognitive biases |
| COVID-19 cuts risk pension pain |
| New laws prompt review of SMSF estate plans |
| SMSF sector grows, new fund numbers drop |
| ‘HomeBuilder’ grants now available. |
| Related-party property development concerns — Part 1 |
| The value of financial advice |
| A super catch-up plan |
| Court decides on taxable capital gains distributions |
| SMSF liquidity lessons learnt from the pandemic |
| Do your investment goals stack up? |
| Retirement income framework deferred due to COVID-19 |
| How early super withdrawals add up |
| AFP teams up with ATO, Treasury in COVID-19 tax fraud taskforce |
| ATO extends initial JobKeeper payment deadline |
| ATO releases JobKeeper alternative test |
| Our Website, your resources |
| Consumer satisfaction up for SMSFs, down for industry funds |
| Superannuation for younger investors |
| How to stay the course in retirement |
| COVID-19: Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package |
| Government announces mandatory code for rent relief |
| ATO clarifies COVID-19 rent relief concerns |
| SMSFs in the ATO firing line |
| Avoid SISR traps in early access to super scheme |
| Data so large it's hard to comprehend. |
| Ride the market to recovery |
| Historic $130bn wage subsidy to cover 6 million workers |
| Stage 2 – Covid-19 stimulus package. |
| Covid-19 Update - Small Business |
| PM launches $17.6 billion virus stimulus plan |
| What 2020 holds for low cost funds |
| Non-concessional contributions breaches on ATO radar |
| Expected GDP by country 2010 to 2100 |
| Investing with small amounts |
| A resource hub for our clients. |
| New laws mean 65-year-olds should hold off on large contributions |
| Understanding the dangers with downsizing and super |
| Statistical picture of Australia - Update |
| Advice for my twenty-something self |
| Beware: Penalties and pitfalls of the early release of super. |
| Real Time World Population Growth - Wow!! |
| A challenge for China and investors |
| Property deduction errors down to ‘lack of understanding’: ATO |
| Start 2020 with a best snapshot of Australia. |
| Total return investing |
| Retirement trap hurting saving Aussies |
| ATO outlines tax relief for bushfire victims |
| Catch-up concessional contributions – strategies and practicalities |
| Nearing retirement? 7 steps to take before you leave work |
| 2020 audits to focus on investment strategy |
| Australia - latest facts and figures |
| ‘Visible, valued and owned’: ATO outlines super priorities for new year |
| A 20-year investment growth story |
| Retire on your own terms and not the market's |
| Our Advent calendar for 2019 |
| The economic and investment outlook for 2020 |
| You'll be the life of the party when armed with this information! |
| Review queries retirement system understanding |
| Retirement planning in 15 minutes a day |
| Eggs, baskets and diversified SMSF investment strategies |
| New opportunities for employees to claim additional superannuation |
| ATO provides further trustee instructions on myGovID |
| The main benefits of professional financial help. |
| Downsizer contributions offer more than meets the eye |
| 6 new financial videos |
| All Australia's vital statistics - October 2019 |
| Does your mind help or hinder your investment success? |
| Traversing a synchronised economic slowdown |
| Four key principles that help achieve portfolio success |
| A positive pension change with a cash rate twist |
| Shares to remain volatile as trade war heats up |
| NALI, LRBA measures pass Parliament |
| Interest rising in SMSF set-up |
| Choosing your investment strategy |
| ATO letters indicate a wider SMSF warning |
| Australia by the numbers - September 2019 |
| ATO opens applications for SG exemption |
| SMSFs attract younger members |
| Heed restrictions on downsizer contributions |
| Access to more resources and tools than most websites. |
| Valuations key to avoiding NALI restrictions |
| SMSF advice appetite strong, says ASIC |
| For a smoother path to investment success, diversify |
| How's Australia doing statistically? |
| LRBA changes mostly affect Melbourne, Sydney retirees |
| Lessons from the 2019 Index Chart |
| The global economy at midyear: How our views have changed |
| The biggest global corporations since 1998 |
| ‘Retrospective’ LRBA measures tipped to cause headaches |
| Downsizer Super Contribution |
| Keep track of how Australia is really ticking over. |
| Insights from the 2019 Vanguard / Investment Trends SMSF survey |
| What falling interest rates mean for investors |
| ATO releases ‘welcome guidance’ on death benefit income streams |
| Super growth reducing age pension drawdown |
| Big four firm outlines new financial year checklist for SMSFs |
| Asset allocation as you age |
| Australia - the story goes on. |
| Consolidate your super and save |
| Critical documentation steps flagged with switching SMSF loans |
| Good investment habits versus damaging biases |
| Control considerations flagged with death benefit pensions for children |
| Interest rate for SMSF loans set to rise under safe harbour terms |
| Recession on our mind |
| What it will take to close the super gap between men and women |
| Australia - How are we going as 2018-19 ends? |
| LRBAs, guarantees in need of review after property market falls |
| Average age for establishing SMSFs sitting at 48.9: Report |
| ATO updates valuation guidelines for pension reporting |
| ATO figures show jump in starting balances for SMSFs |
| Your personal financial register |
| Australia’s $4bn Super blackhole impacting self-employed most |
| The proper help can be a benefit - age pension |
| SMSFs on ATO’s radar in cryptocurrency review |
| Limited recourse borrowing arrangements - LRBAs |
| What a financial planner does to help. |
| Goodbye to ad-hoc portfolios |
| Wanted: More voluntary super contributions |
| Australia by the numbers – May Update |
| Federal Budget 2019 - Overview |
| How the 2019 Federal Budget affects you |
| The problem with getting to 53 years of age. |
| Paying for health care in retirement |
| Personal super contributions and the 10% test |
| What investors can expect as key moves affecting markets await |
| ATO flags PAYG obligations for SMSFs with legacy pensions |
| Don't just plan for retirement; Plan for your life |
| Consumers misunderstand types of advice |
| Budget Time - How's Australia going? |
| When super isn't compulsory |
| Investors brace for Brexit - deal or no deal |
| ATO identifies SMSF contravention red flags |
| Extra website resources and tools is one way we offer you and your family more. |
| Tax and estate planning traps flagged with pension restructures |
| A checklist for a healthy financial year |
| High-risk LRBAs, TBAR on the ATO’s radar this year |
| All you need to know about how Australia is going. |
| Royal Commission report makes super fee recommendations |
| Four tips for boosting your super balance |
| New Year resolutions, New Year strategies |
| Part 4 - The major benefit of ‘behavioural coaching' |
| 3 tips for weathering the market's bumpy ride |
| Common BDBN ‘pitfalls’ flagged in wake of ASIC action |
| Case law points to ‘growing importance’ of SMSF document chain |
| How Australia is performing. |
| Global outlook summary: Down but not out |
| Australia - a comprehensive run-down of our vital statistics. |
| Your guide to smarter holiday reading |
| Verifying asset values in a SMSF. |
| Admin, BDBN errors flagged for SMSFs this year |
| ATO targets non-arm's length income - NALI |
| Retiring in their 30s or 40s? |
| Ranking of the world's best: Taking it personally |
| The value of advice - Behavioural Coaching |
| Our Advent calendar for 2018 |
| Compliance, tax advice in strongest demand from SMSFs |
| Stop!! Don't do a paper Budget, use our online budgeting tools instead. |
| Franking credit policy to dent retirement savings by 15 per cent |
| Information needed to be the BBQ expert. |
| Hungry for income? Choose carefully. |
| Retiree self-protection: A volatility-and-downturn 'bucket' |
| How financial advice helps create wealth. |
| Superannuation gender gap narrowing, research shows |
| All the stats you need to see how Australia is going. |
| Market downturns, like this one, are to be expected |
| ATO claws back $850m in unpaid SG in FY 17-18 |
| ‘Hefty penalties’ with TRIS payment failures, SMSFs warned |
| The global financial crisis: Behind us but far from over |
| 'Huge' professional risk in SG delays, big four firm warns |
| What a financial adviser can add to your portfolio's returns. |
| ATO updates crypto guidance |
| Reverse mortgages: Short-term gain, long-term pain |
| ATO set sights on 27,000 funds in ongoing crackdown |
| ATO zones in on hundreds of newly created reserves |
| A dynamic approach to retiree spending and drawdowns |
| Your investment freedom-maker |
| Living expenses for retirees on the rise |
| Still a long and bumpy road to travel on the way to a U.S.-China deal |
| Smart spouse investing |
| How financial advice helps create wealth. |
| What the ATO will be keeping an eye on in FY19 |
| Examining the S in SMSF |
| Trade tensions to choke global growth: Moody’s |
| Tools for budgeting, cash flow, Super and more …. |
| Statistics show SMSFs not just for the rich |
| SMSFs lose thousands in property, investment scams |
| The good, bad, and potentially ugly for SMSFs |
| What politicians use to tell you how Australia is going. |
| Estate planning in the new environment |
| ATO issues alert on super, tax scams |
| SMSFs: Our 'hardest' jobs |
| ASIC issues alert over big gaps in SMSF trustee knowledge |
| Super savings gap for women stuck at 30% |
| Statistics for all Australians |
| Super set to play bigger retirement role |
| Why SMSFs want estate-planning advice |
| The power of financial role models |
| Assess your retirement financial resources |
| Cryptocurrency audits tipped to increase this EOFY |
| Time to check your risk exposure? |
| Some general interest stats on SMSFs |
| Survey reveals strong opposition to retirement system changes |
| Check trust deed to protect super in estate planning |
| Australia by numbers – Update |
| Federal Budget 2018 – Overview |
| Your Budget |
| 4 components of our 2018 Federal Budget |
| Tools to help you manage your financial position are available on our site. |
| New rules capture SMSFs trading big with cryptocurrency |
| Common EOFY slip-ups flagged for SMSFs |
| Beware residency rules if moving overseas |
| 99 pct of SMSFs missing global opportunities |
| How to plan for a better retirement |
| Australia by numbers - Update |
| Determine your retirement goals |
| ATO issues update on cryptocurrency compliance traps |
| How likely is a global trade war? |
| Gig economy spike prompts calls for super policy changes |
| Australia's vital statistics |
| What your age should say about your super |
| Downsizing requires holistic tax planning |
| Millions of multiple super accounts erode savings |
| Why your retirement intentions are critical |
| Plans for study into elder abuse |
| Our website is really our digital office. |
| Dissecting the downsizer contribution |
| The Goldilocks effect - Economic and market update 4Q 17 |
| Rates, inflation and yield - five graphs to help make sense of it all |
| Australia. All you need to know to be the expert. |
| Potential pension minefields |
| Confusion lingers over post-death insurance |
| Non-lodgement numbers slashed, 30,000 funds still in ATO’s sights |
| Business confidence hits 5-month high: NAB |
| New Year resolutions, New Year strategies |
| How will downsizer contributions work for SMSFs? |
| Where Australia is at. Our leading indicators. |
| ‘Read the tea leaves,’ brace for cryptocurrency regulation, advisers told |
| Power of retiree super dollars |
| Beyond share prices |
| Financial advice is the leading trigger to review insurance inside Super |
| Opinion – 2018 to be the year of the machine |
| Rising risks to the status quo |
| UPDATE: Australia's vital statistics |
| As share prices rise, the risk-return trade-off gets tricky |
| Technical expert flags top 3 traps with CGT relief |
| Become a better investor through your holiday reading |
| Australia's vital statistics |
| Made in Albania? How globalisation is creating challenges for Chinese policymakers |
| Our Advent calendar for 2017 |
| For the young it a question of engagement |
| Address Under-insurance at Personal Finance Level - Global study |
| Realism vs reality - working part-time as retirees |
| SMSFs warned on ‘ticking time bomb’ with outdated deeds |
| Statutory wills are underutilised in estate planning |
| Resources on our site to help you, your family and your friends. |
| Calls to Review ASIC's Definition of Lapse Insurance |
| Paperwork bungles lead to $38k in payments |
| Self-employed? Don't miss out on super |
| Australian Dietary Guidelines and healthy eating chart (PDF) |
| Big concessions looking likely for transfer balance limit: ATO |
| Raft of superannuation measures enter Parliament |
| US Fed policy: Normalisation begins |
| What the gig economy may mean for your super |
| Powerful Budgeting, cash flow and Super Tools available on our site. |
| Australia's leading causes of death - ABS |
| Government introduces first home scheme laws |
| Are young investors wasting their youth? |
| ATO granted super enforcement powers |
| The great Australian (retiree) dream |
| ATO to release further guidance on reserves |
| A real-world benchmark for SMSF performance |
| How is your super going, ready for retirement? |
| Our 'hardest' SMSF tasks |
| Lack of literacy promotes unrealistic goals |
| Young investors: Time is on your side |
| Is your SMSF retirement-ready? |
| Key Economic Indicators, 2017 - updated |
| Investors acting their age |
| ATO locks in details, addresses panic on real-time reporting |
| Government ‘undermines’ tax system in new moves on property expenses |
| Multiple super accounts in a 'gig' society |
| Why Australian retirees aren't happy and what we can do about it |
| Doing a budget is a good idea but .... |
| Technical expert flags estate planning strategies for 2017-18 |
| Government to shut down salary sacrifice loophole |
| Items that heat up your depreciation deductions |
| ‘Tens of thousands’ of SMSFs at risk with ECPI |
| Do’s and don’ts of estate planning |
| LISTO to help boost women’s super |
| Smart ways to stretch retirement money |
| Low economic growth likely for years |
| Recorded Crime - Offenders, 2015-16 |
| Adequacy of savings still a concern among Australians |
| ‘Bank-like heists’ make way for new wave of cyber crime |
| Give your children a saving and investing edge - for life |
| Women still in the dark about finances |
| Lessons learnt - often the hard way |
| Australian population figures |
| ATO poised to ramp up focus on key compliance area |
| Benefit payments rise dramatically ahead of July 1 super changes |
| There's no magic pudding when it comes to super |
| ATO guidance provides clarity on death benefit confusion |
| Beyond super: Our other personal investment market |
| The three core pillars of this year's budget |
| Federal Budget - 2017-18 - Overview |
| Federal Budget - 2017-18 - Budget documents |
| Global economy synchronised and thriving |
| Life's financial turning points: good and not-so-good |
| 2011 Census - what was the make up of your area? |
| ATO set to release guidance targeted for SMSF clients |
| More withdrawals from 'the bank of mum and dad' |
| Tax headache relief: Here’s more help with pension assets changes |
| Most Aussies shun super advice |
| Australia in a nutshell |
| ATO finalises guidance on transfer balance cap |
| Fit for purpose? The super story so far... |
| SMSFs urged to review segregation clauses in trust deed |
| Big insto addresses CGT misconceptions |
| Dollar-cost averaging for millennial investors |
| Calls for calm over pending CGT amendments |
| Almost the world's best for retirees |
| ATO reports on top contravention areas for SMSFs |
| What recent retirees can teach pre-retirees |
| Deloitte points to ‘red flag’ SMSF patterns |
| Save early, save often |
| Government pushes forward with multinational tax measures |
| Jump-start your retirement savings |
| Government urged to rectify ‘legislative shortcoming’ with CGT relief |
| Some financial terms explained |
| Areas of key focus for SMSFs in 2017. |
| Powerful Superannuation modelling tools available on our site. |
| Your New Year reading: beyond John Grisham |
| What a long-term view of the market can teach investors |
| CGT confusion seeing unnecessary sell-offs |
| ‘Devastating’ property investments hitting SMSFs |
| Asset valuation crackdown imminent for SMSFs |
| New Year (investment) resolutions |
| Trump stimulus to boost global markets |
| Female advice customers on the rise |
| Retirement costs outpace rise in CPI |
| ATO set to scrutinise CGT relief claims |
| Investor habits: The good, the bad and the ugly |
| Keeping finances in the family |
| The inter-generational financial squeeze |
| Merry Christmas for 2016, a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2017. |
| ATO set to clamp down on range of super issues |
| SME retirement plans in jeopardy, research finds |
| SMSFs show restraint in hot residential market |
| Investment's building blocks - always worth reinforcing |
| Warnings issued on traps with CGT transitional rules |
| Meet SMSFs' early and late arrivals |
| Beware, the ATO is on the hunt for lifestyle assets |
| 'Brexit means Brexit' means what? |
| SMSFs tipped to be hardest hit by pension changes |
| SMSF assets hit record, but funds still hoarding cash |
| Markets caution advised as economic bubbles loom |
| Stretching retirement income |
| Some financial terms explained |
| Market Update – September 2016 |
| Checking in on our 2016 economic outlook - and looking ahead |
| Making a fairer and more sustainable Superannuation System |
| Going undercover |
| ‘Winners and Losers’ from new super proposals |
| The gymnastics of keeping your portfolio balanced |
| Market Update – August 2016 |
| Stop!! Don't do a paper Budget, use our online budgeting tools instead. |
| Advisers the key to retirement stability, research shows |
| The toughest tasks for self-managed super |
| Lawyer warns on ‘adverse’ death taxes with insurance |
| Don't get distracted by super changes |
| A savings mirage? |
| Market Update - July 2016 |
| The three biggest economic issues likely to affect markets in 2016 |
| SMSFs warned on looming property ‘tough times’ |
| Diversification counts when uncertainty beckons |
| Strong economic data stablises markets |
| Starting a super pension in 2016-17? |
| Market Update - June 2016 |
| ATO extends looming SuperStream deadline |
| ATO's deadline for review non-arm's length LRBAs extended |
| A paradoxical relationship: The self-employed and super |
| Fresh SMSF documentation warnings surface |
| Making investing a family affair |
| Super and divorce: a personal finance issue |
| Market Update - May 2016 |
| ASIC flags SMSF investors in scam risk |
| Older, greyer and still working |
| Working and contributing to super past 65 |
| The pitfalls of part-year pensions |
| Replenishing SMSF memberships |
| Budget will hit 15% of SMSFs |
| The insidious side of low interest rates |
| Market Update - April 2016 |
| Budget 2016-17 |
| Do investment principles stand test of time? |
| Estate Planning - early inheritance |
| US economy will bend, not break |
| A detailed look at the ATO’s new LRBA guidance |
| Defying life's blueprint |
| ATO continuing lodgement crackdown |
| Another twist on the gender savings gap |
| Market Update – March 2016 |
| Going solo |
| Use our online budgeting tools to help plan your future. |
| Age Pension means-test prevents rational decision-making |
| Changing times for super collectables |
| Preservation Age Rule |
| Why investing for retirement isn't just about super |
| Possible tax benefits through early inheritance |
| Market Update - 29th February 2016 |
| Mortgages, personal debt and retirement |
| Cost of retirement continues to climb |
| Personal finance goes 'viral' |
| ATO warns on poor asset records causing SMSF breaches |
| When is an unallocated contribution account a reserve? |
| Market Update – 31st January 2016 |
| Australians still need better retirement planning |
| What to expect from investment markets in 2016 and beyond |
| ‘Irrational fear’ impacting SMSF longevity risk: CSIRO |
| Tax scam reaps hundreds of thousands |
| Morrison signals direction of super tax changes |
| Market Update – 31st December 2015 |
| Should we expect stormy skies or sunshine in 2016? |
| Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 |
| There's no one-size-fits-all retirement income |
| Market Update – 30th November 2015 |
| Diversifying and cutting costs with ETFs |
| Why the ATO’s new powers make SMSF compliance more important than ever |
| 'Unretiring' retirees |
| The detrimental impact of poor SMSF record-keeping |
| Counting the cost of 'grey' divorce |
| Combining total-return investing with realistic investment expectations |
| Market Update – 31st October 2015 |
| Another telling reminder for SMSF trustees |
| Death in paradise – or your SMSF |
| Elderly exploited for assets |
| Intergenerational challenges for retirement saving |
| Death benefits – navigating the minefield |
| Strategy over structure |
| Market Update – 3oth September 2015 |
| SMSF and limited resource borrowing – a warning |
| External partnerships and the in-house asset rules |
| Take a closer look at SMSF age demographics |
| Avoiding tax consequences with the related-party rules |
| Focusing on after-tax returns |
| Market Update – 31st August 2015 |
| The gender gap in retirement |
| Why popularity of ETFs is surging among SMSFs |
| Clearing up confusion about accessing super. |
| Good (investor) behaviour |
| Five reasons the RBA will likely cut rates again |
| Market Update – 31st July 2015 |
| Customer-centred innovation underpins high satisfaction among financial advice customers |
| What the ATO is keeping an eye on |
| Through life and death |
| Why astute investors are a little like astute kayakers. |
| Your first SMSF portfolio |
| Market Update - June 2015 |
| Money-smart ageing |
| A new (financial) year’s resolution for your SMSF |
| What’s ahead for US interest rates? |
| Super: Looking to June 30 and beyond |
| Reminders and Tax Strategies for SMSFs pre-year end |
| End of year tips for SMSFs |
| Market Update – May 2015 |
| An investor's personal trainer |
| SMSF trustee penalties going up |
| Contraventions rife among non-advised SMSF trustees |
| Dealing with investor uncertainty |
| Reserve bank gives the economy a lift |
| Retirement planning: the gap between intention and reality |
| Market Update – April 2015 |
| Australian Government - Budget 2015 |
| Budget 2015 - some professional opinions |
| What does the ATO want from you? |
| Making sense of the new excess contribution rules |
| Greying, working and contributing |
| Simple-yet-smart investment housekeeping |
| Market Update – March 2015 |
| Two sides to the age profile of SMSF members |
| Actuaries call for end to superannuation policy tinkering |
| ATO urges caution on pensions |
| Market Update - February 2015 |
| Aussie economy shifts gears as structural changes take hold |
| The catch 22 of retirement savings |
| Are there reasons to help the tax man do his job? |
| Some financial terms explained |
| Small business paradox |
| Good financial planning finally has a value: 23% more income in retirement |
| Market Update - January 2015 |
| ‘Incredibly high’ number of trustees hold no life insurance |
| SMSFs in 2015 Budget’s firing line |
| Rebalancing resolutions |
| Hammering away at asset allocation is only part of the retirement income solution |
| Market Update – December 2014 |
| We wish all our clients a Merry Christmas,a Happy New Year and a restful holiday |
| A great overview of investing and good Holiday reading. |
| The final nail in the coffin for LRBAs? |
| Market Update – November 2014 |
| Online financial tools your family and friends can use. |
| Overcoming our behavioural barriers to saving |
| ‘Unintended consequences’ threaten SMSF tax reform |
| Retirement income: every bit counts |
| ASFA continues to sound warnings on retirement savings |
| Market Update - October 2014 |
| The little-known rule with huge implications for self-managed super funds |
| Grappling with the uncertainties of retirement |
| Change to ATO decision relevant to SMSF in-house assets |
| Taking a personal perspective on the global super challenge |
| Some terms defined - Super & Investment |
| The perils of market-timing and over-confidence |
| Market Update – 30th September 2014 |
| Hardly a do-it-yourself job |
| Super insurance: wide coverage, limited understanding |
| ASIC eyes SMSF loan sign-off |
| Redesigning retirement incomes policy - from the ground up |
| Industry terms |
| Market Update - August 2014 |
| Keeping to super's sole purpose |
| Taxing times for self-managed super funds |
| The relationship between SMSFs and their advisers |
| How family financial planning opened the door to a holistic advice career |
| Spotlight on your retirement income |
| Market Update - July 2014 |
| The new 65? |
| Report reveals 'alarming' super savings stats |
| Anchors aweigh! |
| A retiree's choice: super pension or lump sum |
| Fundamentals for investing success |
| Market Update - June 2014 |
| Messages Worth Remembering |
| Workforce rides the 'silver tsunami' |
| ATO outlines SuperStream concerns for SMSFs |
| Help investor's to save $82 per week |
| Super dollars |
| Market Update - May 2014 |
| Market Update - April 2014 |
| How familiar are you with this graph? |
| Federal Budget 2014-15 - Overview |
| Federal Budget 2014-15 - Overview of main responsibilities |
| Federal Budget Papers 2014-15 |
| Keeping a close watch on contribution caps |
| Any changes to the Age Pension make saving through super crucial: ASAF |
| New insights into women and super |
| Keeping super in the family |
| Afternoon Thoughts (US, Asia and Europe) |
| Market Update - March 2014 |
| Younger SMSF members |
| SMSF Specialist wanted |
| Aged Care |
| Crowd control |
| Philanthropy upswing |
| Market Update - 28th February 2014
| SMSF investment process is broken, but a good financial planner can fix it
| A behavioural barrier to successful saving
| Spending of super lump sums
| What the past can teach us about the current emerging turmoil |
| Spending control in a low-interest environment
| Market Update - January 2014 |
| The return of a resilient US
| Putting financial literacy to the test. |
| No intention to retire
| Outlook for Japan in 2014
| Understanding Profit Metrics: Gross, Operating and Net Profits
| Market Update - 31st December 2013
| Super tax changes: winners and losers |
| Market Update - 30th November 2013
| Australians overweight and unhealthy, AIA
| The insurance gap |
| Some more Financial Ratios
| Market Update - 30th October 2013
| Debt control in countdown to retirement
| ASIC: web here to help
| Merry Christmas to all our clients, your staff, family and friends.
| Sound SMSF advice is critical
| Insurance: too complex for the Internet?
| Some Financial Ratios
| SMSFs: the dos and don'ts
| Market Update - 30th September 2013
| Retiring SMSF baby boomers
| Your retirement-savings check-up |
| C'mon Aussie, work longer!
| A heart-to-heart client conversation
| How to start saving for retirement
| Do a budget |
| A selection of Liberal Party policies and discussion papers |
| Retirement-savings disaster looms
| SMSFs and the cost factor
| New SMSF trustees sign-up - by the thousands
| Explainer: the role of budget deficits
| Market Update - 31st August 2013
| Some terms defined |
| Retirement maze |
| "Australia's most motivated profession" |
| How realistic are your investment goals?
| Income generation requires tailored strategies
| Critical warning for SMSFs
| Market Update - July 31st 2013
| A matter of knowledge
| By George! Pension win for SMSF trustees
| Ahead of the curve: SMSF trustees love an expert
| The dollar's risk and reward
| Baby boomers see red
| Some Terms defined.
| Market Update - June 30 2013
| Gen Ys wary of much-needed advice.
| Relationship breakdown: a destroyer of person wealth
| Private wealth managers searching for good fit.
| Financial Literacy and Finding Relevant Information |
| Market Update - 31st May 2013 |
| Take extra care not to exceed super contribution caps. |
| The revival of the West |
| The great advisory challenge for team SMSF |
| Boost for tax data-matching. |
| Extra Online support from your Financial Planner. |
| Budget wrap: industry welcomes continuity
| Market Update - 30th April 2013
| 2013-14 Federal Budget at a Glance |
| Budget 2013-14 Overview |
| Full version of the Federal Budget speech for 2013-14 |
| Flawed super tax = long-term problems: Mercer |
| Market Update - 31st March 2013 |
| A matter of confidence |
| Super tax changes: winners and losers
| The big super split |
| The hot super debate
| For those clients who like to do some extra research.
| The growing return expectation gap
| "EU will survive no problem", US in recovery
| Love, money and relationship breakdowns
| Reports find risk appetite rising but still reluctant |
| Market Update - 28th February 2013
| Research finds advisers key to SMSF growth
| Road-testing retirement
| China may run hot, but will investors overheat?
| 2013 rays of hope
| Market Update - 31st January 2013
| Investors polarised as sentiment edges upward
| Market Update - 31st December 2012
| Drive your retirement dollar further - and forget the silver Porsche |
| Is there a silver lining for asset allocation in 2013? |
| Shrinking the McMansion |
| Merry Christmas to all our clients, your staff, family and friends |
| Budget wrap: industry welcomes continuity |
| SMSF flows increase as confidence retuns |
| Market Update - 30th November 2012 |
| A couple of super classics |
| A plunge worth taking
| Asset allocation ranks number one
| Like to do some of your own tax, super, pension, tax rates, etc research? |
| ASIC spruiks need for advice in "complex" future
| The long arm of tax
| Market Update - 31st October 2012
| Politicians, stop super tinkering!
| Your personal trainer |
| Super members thirsty for financial advice |
| SMSF flows increase as confidence returns
| What an A-grade pension system looks like
| Market Update - 30th September 2012
| Super's most disadvantaged
| Improve your financial literacy and help others with theirs. |
| Spread your energy bets
| Making a comeback |
| Government tinkering a 'body blow' to SMSFs
| Securely transfer your personal and business information |
| Market Update - 31 August 2012
| 'Speeding tickets' for SMSFs
| Cashing in risk |
| Those who miss out
| Abbott clarifies super stance
| Advisers beat banks in fostering client loyalty
| SPAA sounds warning on tax backdating
| What a relationship breakdown may mean for an SMSF
| Create opportunity from market volatility
| Retirement savings challenge
| New Financial year: the outlook for markets
| Market Update - 30th June 2012
| Asian Growth Engine |
| Can investors adapt to a deleveraging world? |
| Last-minute super contributions |
| ATO focuses on novice investors |
| Market Update - 31st May 2012 |
| test of affiliate linking |
| tesing times