Are you struggling with your own payroll?

Is it cost effective?

Can you cope with Group tax, Super, Medicare, Holiday pay and tax code changes?

Are you up to date with the ever-changing rules?

Surely you would rather spend your time on more important and profitable matters?

If you're not happy with some of your answers then we may have the answers for you!

We can provide a full payroll service. Some important features include:

  • Electronic Banking direct input - saves bank charges
  • Dealing with the Taxation office
  • Centrelink queries
  • Payroll reports, schedules and printouts
  • Fully computerised systems
  • End of year returns – Group certificates and Group tax reconciliations
  • All year round service

Confidential and secure service.


Daniel Beydoun & Co.
Phone: (02) 9264 1124 | Fax: (02) 9264 1125 | Suite 603, Level 6, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO Box A262, Sydney South NSW 1235 |
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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