We provide an overall business development service to small and medium sized businesses so that our clients can develop and realise their full potential. Our services include:

  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Change Management
  • Financial and Budgetary Planning
  • Succession Plans for Family-owned Businesses
  • Ownership and Shareholder Value Analysis
  • Incentive Compensation Plans
  • Monitoring Customer Value

More specifically we help you grow your business and profits by providing the following:

  • Strategic planning to keep your business ahead of the field
  • Ideas to expand your business and generate more profits
  • Preparation of business plans and valuations
  • Provide regular reporting and financial accounts to keep score
  • Prepare financial portfolios to help you easily see how your business is going
  • Advice on accounting computer software packages
  • Assistance with budgeting and cash flow planning
  • Preparation of finance applications and review current financing arrangements
  • Life, income protection and keyman insurance reviews

Daniel Beydoun & Co.
Phone: (02) 9264 1124 | Fax: (02) 9264 1125 | Suite 603, Level 6, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO Box A262, Sydney South NSW 1235 |
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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