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9 in 10 Employees Are Ready to Grow Your Business

Are you ready to
help them?

A Passionate, Committed & Talented Employee Is A Rare Gem

What is your plan to attract them? How do you bring out the best in them? How do you ensure they continue to positively impact the business?

Studies have shown, businesses with engaged employees consistently outperform their competition.

Do you know how engaged your employees are and how much disengagement is costing your business?


Gallup calculates that for every $10,000 of salary you pay an employee, you are losing $3,400. That's 34%!

Use this calculator to submit your own data, and see the real impact disengagement is having on your company.

Disengagement rate x 17.2%

# disengaged employees =


Gallup % cost of disengagement x 34%

Annual cost per disengaged employee = $

Total cost of disengagement


Nothing drives us more than helping people realise their full potential. Kneading their passion, commitment and talent to help them attain excellence is a challenge we relish. When people are placed in the right environment, led by the right people and given the right tools and techniques, it surfaces the inner drive to excel. We have built and packaged the systems and processes to help businesses surface this inner drive in their teams. Bringing out the best in people should be accessible to everyone.

Most training and development programs are task centric. They tap a fraction of the human potential. The decentralised nature of work, a dated modus operandi in this age, has dictated this. With technology taking over the doing at the workplace, the potential for people to raise their game at work is massive. The E&G programs are designed to elevate the contribution people can make at work by unleashing their inner drive to excel.

Our programs touch on the 4 important aspects of a successful business:

  1. A high performance culture
  2. A working environment that promotes transparency, accountability and positive mind-sets
  3. Effective leaders at all levels ready to think, decide and act
  4. Engaged and enthusiastic mind-sets in all employees, regardless of roles and responsibilities.
Richard Maloney mentoring
Listen to Founder & CEO, Richard Maloney, to see what Engage & Grow is all about! Play Now
Workforce Engagement
Ranging from a one off five-hour workshop to a 12-month integrated program, our engagement programs focus on building high levels of trust within the workforce and empowering employees to be their best.
Leadership Effectiveness
Focusing on leadership and communication, this personal action plan is aimed to increase a leader's ability to connect and build relationships within their team.
Women's Leadership
This program is designed to nurture broader participation of women leaders in the business. Studies have shown women in leadership positions enhance problem solving and decision making skills of the wider leadership team.
Engaging Millenials
Our program is guaranteed to transform your business culture by engaging the millennials in your company. It unlocks their creativity and embraces their drive and enthusiasm.
What our clients say
Coach overview
Allison Dunn

Since 2013, Allison has coached and trained hundreds of business owners and executives to achieve their goals, and take their business to the next level. In 2017, her clients achieved double and triple-digit growth in profitability, accomplished through improvements in sales, marketing, team training, systems development and strategic planning. Prior to business coaching, Allison invested the first 25 years of her professional life as an owner and executive of several businesses including an engineering firm, a manufacturing company, and an architectural firm. As well as coaching business owners, Allison is a speaker, mentor, certified Engage and Grow Leadership Coach. She is ranked as a Top 100 ActionCOACH worldwide, the 2016 Break Out Coach of Year Award Winner, 2016 Global Award Winner for Best Client Testimonial, and was most recently featured in Success as well as the Huffington Post.

Allison holds degrees in Finance and Marketing from the University of Denver. Outside of working with business owners to grow their business, teams and themselves, she serves on the board of the Professional Coaching Association of Idaho, is an officer and on the Board of Directors of Boise Metro Rotary Club, she is an ambassador and educational trainer for Business Networking Industry. She has three beautiful children, a sweetheart of a husband, and enjoys traveling, adventures, cooking and keeping fit!

If you think Engage & Grow can help your business or to find out more information, why not get in touch by filling out the form below!