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Practice development needs more than just a website. There are four parts to a complete digital solution for professional financial services provider.

Which are you missing?

We can help and are the only supplier to all four parts.

We have worked exclusively with accountants and financial planners for over 21 years.

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Website Development

(5% of the job done)

A website is an imperative for any professional services provider for the validation or provides. A website should be well designed, modern, fully responsive and contact content that ranks well in Google. However, a webiste is only 5% of a proper digital marketign solution.

See examples of our work here.

We know accountants and planners need a solution rather than just a website so our pricing is about half that of just a website.

(The relative effectiveness of the three components of your digital marketing solution are 5% for the website, 35% for interactive content, and 60% for client communciation). Most accountants and planners only have a website, a few have interactive content to add value, and even less use these resources to improve client communications.

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Interactive Content

(35% of the job done)

The life blood of a website as it reflects the practice, provides extra services for clients at no extra cost, and it provides a great launching pad for improved client experience.

Included here are articles, videos, calculators, stock tickers, portals and support.

It is easy to see a prcatice that isn't trying very hard as there's very little, if any, interactive content.

Interactive content represents 35% of the effectiveness of your digital solution. Interactive content is what sets your practice appart from practices that don't as they don't seem to try as hard.

Warning about providers stealing your website traffic. Interactive content can be run from a thrid party site but when a link is clicked on that takes the viewer to a third party site that site gets the website traffic not the practice's website. This will adversely impact on how Google ranks you and will cost you business in the loing run. There are 1-2 such providers.

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Client Communication

(60% of the job done)

Client referrals are the life blood of every practice so why work harder to maximise this source of business. It doesn't take much but practice never have the time, expertise or focus to get thsi job done even though it's 60% of the overall effectiveness of digital resources.

We fix this problem by working to improve client experience, maximise referrals and increase turnover per client.

We even work to introduce a holistic approach with referral partnerrs.

Develop your best resource first. if done properly you might not have to do too much more.

Comments fomr those using these new services.

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Inbound Digital Marketing Services

Once your infrastructure is on place and clients are receiveing the attention they deserve then you can consider SEO, AdWord campaigns and social media campiagns. We can help with all these as well.

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