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Most Practices have a misunderstanding of the components of marketing planning and misunderstand the difference between marketing and selling.  Like the car analogy used elsewhere a war analogy is best here.  The three components are Marketing Planning, Marketing and Selling. 

The analogy is simple.  Planning for the War itself (Marketing Planning - long to very long term); Fighting battles (marketing campaigns - short term); Selling is firing your weapons -trying for immediate results.

Recent marketing training seminars we have conducted for 160 Accountants and Financial Advisers showed that very few did any real marketing planning.  In fact, the majority didn't know the difference between a Strategy and an Objective.  This is like having weapons but not being able to work out what ammunition goes into which weapon.  Until such basics are better understood then even basic Planning will fail.

We all know Planning is good, all Accountants and  Financial Advisers advise their clients to do it, but when push comes to shove few actually do it themselves. 

Finally, if you don't develop some proper planning then you can't put together the website solution you best need to maximise your returns.  Click here to read about AcctWeb's website and content services Options.

Let us help you make 2011 -2013 a time to look at changing this situation.