• We care about your business

  • A team you can trust

  • A holistic approach

Welcome to Pivotal Accounting

Do any of these questions sound familiar to you?

  • You make money, you just don't know where it goes?
  • You're not seeing the return on your investment in your business ?
  • You have a tax bill and you didn't see it coming?
  • You have to pay tax come tax time but do not have the money?

The Pivotal Process

  1. Asking the right questions

    A key element in the Pivotal Accounting process is to actively uncover the layers to your business: how it operates; core values and philosophies; your business culture; finance — and to understand what it means to you.

  2. A Holistic Approach

    Having a thorough understanding of all aspects of you and your business will enable the team at Pivotal Accounting to support you.

  3. Success, defined your way

    Pivotal Accounting understands that everyone's definition of success and reward varies — not all goals are financial. The team will learn how you define success and reward, and tailor your strategy so you are reaping what you want from your business in the way that you want it.