Welcome to Pathway Enterprises

Financial Planners Brisbane - Est. 2003

Welcome to Pathway Enterprises

Financial Planners Brisbane - Est. 2003

Pathway Enterprises was established in Brisbane in 2003 and has since grown to incorporate Northern NSW, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. Throughout our history, Pathway Enterprises has won numerous licensee and industry awards, a true testament to the high quality of advice and service we are dedicated to provide.


Pathway Enterprises is an award winning, highly credentialed and professional financial advice firm, whose values, ethical standards and advice are impeccable.
Plan for tomorrow, live for today

Pathway Enterprises: Plan for tomrrow, live for today

Whatever your goals in life, together with you, our planners will design and build the financial road to get you there smoothly so you can enjoy the ride.

At Pathway Enterprises, we are committed to providing you with financial advice that is tailored to suit your personal lifestyle goals. A professionally constructed financial plan that carefully considers your own situation coupled with advice and implementation of the strategies that will suit you is an investment that will provide for you both now and into your future.

Our planners will ensure you are on the right path to financial freedom and manage the process toward achieving your goals and dreams. Put simply, we will allow you to 'plan for tomorrow, live for today'.

How Can We Help You?

A financial plan allows you to control your future and starts with a simple question: what are your financial goals? Your answer is as individual as you and will change as you progress through life.

Services We Offer

We believe that by offering expert advice and customised solutions, tailored to your individual needs, we can best assist you in managing your finances and planning for your future.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you and welcome any enquiries you may have.

Get in Touch

Pathway Enterprises welcomes your enquiry. To book an appointment or simply ask us a question, fill in your details and we'll be in touch soon!


Our Office

  • Level 1/46 Edward Street, Brisbane City QLD 4000
  • 1300 723 198
  • 1300 723 742
  • 8:30AM to 5:00PM
Starting out as a professional in the workplace Starting out as a professional in the workplace

Starting Out

Finances are always something to worry about later in life, right? Right now it's all a bit too hard and, besides, you're doing ok. And then you want something. A trip around Europe, a new car, the deposit for a house... and immediately you think "if only I had a little more money".

The overall principle of a Financial Planner is to design and implement a financial strategy unique to you. Everything in life needs a level of compromise, finding a balance between something you want immediately and something you are willing to wait for. Working with our Financial Planners will teach you the disciplines required to help you have the best of both worlds.

We believe that understanding your current position and having a plan for the future that is realistic & achievable is the main ingredient required for a successful financial future.

The earlier you start on this journey the more successful you will be in this area and therefore the best time to start is right now.

Planning ahead for your family Planning ahead for your family

Planning Ahead

As life progresses you realise that financial freedom is harder to achieve than you may have initially thought. You may be earning much more money, however, larger commitments begin to accumulate as your income grows and your financial situation is now far more important than it was previously.

You may already be in your own home and have amassed a number of debts. People you know may have started to invest and you begin to wonder whether you should be too. You keep hearing that your money should be working for you, but where do you start? In addition, you may have or at least are thinking about starting your family. It's an exciting time but such a change will mean a range of increased living expenses and life will get in the way of ensuring you form a plan to provide for your future.

With a financial plan in place there is no need to worry. Everything has been thought of and planned for with each financial decision made to reach pre-defined goals. You can sit back and enjoy the ride knowing you Financial Planner is working with you to secure your future.

Making the transition into retirement Making the transition into retirement

Transition to Retirement

As with so many things in life the sooner you start planning the better off you'll be when the time comes. What's important is to understand which strategies will be suitable to your own circumstances and help achieve your goals.

No-one likes paying tax and a Transition to Retirement Strategy is a magnificent strategy designed to reduce the amount of income tax you pay. These tax savings can then be used to increase the level of your Superannuation, fund your lifestyle, pay down debt, the list goes on.

A transition to retirement strategy is a very effective yet complex strategy that requires professional financial advice. Our Planners can assist you with the establishment and ongoing maintenance of this strategy allowing you to enjoy the benefits.

Happily retired couple Happily retired couple


With retirement, the closer it gets, the more it enters our consideration and the more important it becomes. Often, however, the idea of what our own retirement will look like and reality are two very different things. A Pathway Enterprises financial planner will discuss your goals for retirement with you. What income will you need? Do you want to travel? What will your capital expenses be? Do you intend to move house? These and many other areas determine how much you will need at retirement age to make your goals reality.

A Pathway Enterprises Financial Planner will assess your current position and consider where you want to be. We will then design a plan, and work with you throughout,so that your dream becomes reality. How early you start this process will determine your level of success while having a plan in place will give you peace of mind knowing that your retirement is ready to enjoy.

Debt Planning Debt Planning

Debt Planning

Debt Planning

Almost all of us get into debt at some time or another making managing debt an extremely important part of every financial plan. In order to achieve the great Australian dream - owning your home outright - takes discipline and a carefully constructed strategy designed to suit your individual position and cater for all of the challenges life can deliver.

Most people believe that paying what they can afford on a home loan is the best strategy. While this is a great start it is really just the beginning of what can be done and strategies to employ in order to pay off your home more quickly. Our debt planners will not just provide you with a Home Loan. They provide a strategy, based on your circumstances, to pay off your home faster than you thought possible.

Debt Recycling

We have all heard the terms 'good debt' and 'bad debt' but do we really understand what they mean? What's the difference and why does it matter?

Debt recycling is a strategy used to pay down your non-deductible debt - "bad debt" - whilst increasing your deductible debt - "good debt" - while growing your investment portfolio at the same time.

Sounds confusing right? Not really, you just need one of our Planners to show you how. Debt recycling is a very powerful strategy and our Planners will assist in growing your wealth over time. A time that could be the difference between standard retirement and a fantastic early retirement.

We can help get the right loan for you We can help get the right loan for you


Whatever your current debt situation is you will need a plan. The right strategy is crucial and equally as important as the right product. Financial Planners at Pathway Enterprises can advise on sophisticated strategies relating to lending structure, not just the best rate. In addition our qualified brokers can provide advice on a wide variety of lending.

Our connections to a large and varied array of financial institutions will couple you with the right strategy and will provide the very best outcome. Make your debt work for you, not against you!


The mortgage on a home is both the largest and most important investment that most of us will ever make. With so many choices it can be difficult to know what the best strategy is for our own circumstances.

What's important with all of this is identifying the right product and structure for your circumstances, including how it will fit with the rest of your financial plan. Stabbing blindly in the dark will have adverse consequences both now and far into the future.

Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a very effective way of combining all of your debts into the one loan with one repayment. Common sense would tell you that this should be consolidated into the loan with the lowest interest rate but how do you go about doing this and what is the best deal available?

This process will reduce the amount of interest you pay over the terms of the loan and assist in paying the debt off quicker. Working with our Debt Planners will assist you through this process and help you design a plan to avoid this occurring again and again.

Is your superannuation fund doing as well as it could? Is your superannuation fund doing as well as it could?


For most of us Super is not something we spend a lot of time thinking about. We know our employer pays a contribution into it and we hope there will be enough to live on once we retire.

It's important to remember... Super is your money. It's your investment to secure your financial future and it's important to understand how it is being managed and that it fits with your overall financial strategy.

Super funds differentiate from one another more than you might know. Details such as fees charged, investment profiles and insurance details will all affect you in the long term.

Many of us have multiple funds and are being charge multiple fees that will ultimately affect the amount we will have in retirement. Combining these funds will help reduce your fees and ensure the funds are invested according to your individual requirements.

How do you know which fund best suits your needs? Easy, work with our Financial Planners to find out.

Would a self managed super fund be ideal for your situtuation? Would a self managed super fund be ideal for your situtuation?

Self Managed Super Funds

A Self Managed Super Fund provides flexibility to your retirement planning strategy and provides a greater range of investments to choose from. It also allows you to have more involvement in the investment decisions for the fund held within your Superannuation. A Self Managed Super fund also provides the opportunity to invest in areas your 'normal' Super funds won't such as residential Houses, Units, Commercial properties etc.

Most people believe a Self Managed Super is out of their reach, they wouldn't know how to manage the fund and even if they did, they don't have the time. Our Financial Planners will do all of the work for you, giving you as much or as little involvement in the process as you like whilst retaining the option of investments not possible through your current fund.

Buying property within a Self Managed Super Fund has never been easier or more achievable for the average Australian. You can now use your Superannuation funds to provide the deposit and fund all associated costs and gain a bank loan for the remainder of the purchase price.

Self Managed Super funds aren't for everyone and professional advice is an absolute must. There are many rules and regulations within this area and you need to be sure this is a suitable Superannuation vehicle for you. There are many other factors that our Planners will analyse including diversification, capacity to manage debt, cost / benefit measure, who will be in the fund and how much involvement you want in the investment strategy.

Recent changes to the rules surrounding borrowing through superannuation has meant that a SMSF can now access credit secured against the investment purchased and is called a 'limited recourse borrowing arrangement'. For business owners - your SMSF could potentially purchase your business premises, allowing you to pay rent directly back into it at the market rate.

To find out more contact us today and book an appointment with one of our financial planners.

Investing solutions to get the most out of your capital Investing solutions to get the most out of your capital


Making the move from saver to investor is your first step on the road to building wealth. It's only by putting your money to work that you can really get ahead.

There are four basic categories of investments:

  • Australian & International Shares
  • Property
  • Fixed Interest
  • Cash

These are often referred to as asset classes. Within each asset class you can diversify further. The more widely you spread your investments across and within these classes, the more you reduce your risk.

With a better understanding of the types of investment risk, you can make a more informed investment decision by accepting some risk and rejecting others. A Pathway Enterprises Financial Planner can help you identify your investment strategy and objectives as part of your financial plan and provide advice on the most appropriate investments for you.

Protect you and your family with insurance options that cover the unthinkable Protect you and your family with insurance options that cover the unthinkable


Covering both yourself and your family in the event of a personal tragedy is an integral part of any financial plan. It's all very well and good using the tools available to grow our wealth for both the present and our future but the reality is that all that planning could be undone with one tragic event.

Having a level of cover that you feel is adequate to ensure either yourself or your family won't suffer financial hardship if the worst should happen is an unpleasant but essential part of planning your financial future.

Our Financial Planners will work with you to help structure your cover in a way that provides you the cover you need with affordable premiums.

There are many different ways to construct an insurance plan and mistakes in the process and an incorrect structure could put the whole plan in jeopardy. The worst time for someone to learn the insurance has not been set up correctly is at claim time. Our Financial Planners will provide you the plan to ensure the cover is set-up the correct way first time and allow you peace of mind.