Because your time is better spent on things other than worrying about money

Welcome to Pacific Wealth

You may have heard of the Wealth Paradox, it's the paradox that even though most people list some form of financial success as being amongst their top goals in life, few achieve it. In fact, most of the population fail miserably at it with the vast majority of Australians over 65 receiving government pension payments.

So, why do most people fail, why don't they achieve financial success? It's rarely because they didn't know what to do; most people fail because they just didn't do what they needed to do.

Now there can be a lot of reasons why they didn't do what they needed to do but it is usually because they were too busy or too scared or both, which is a real bummer because it's not that hard if you have a clear action plan and a coach. Anyone who wants to be in the top 10% in any area knows one of the secrets to being successful is having a coach.

At Pacific Wealth, we work with our clients as their Wealth Coach to help them make smart choices about their money so they can achieve their financial goals and enjoy financial success.

Financial Planning News

Paul Birch is an Authorised Representative (AR244671) of GPS Wealth Ltd.