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Our Financial Planning Process

We'll get your Finances Organised so YOU have Peace of Mind

Our Financial Planning Process

Step 1: Collection of Client Information: We'll meet face to face to discuss and collect your financial data such as detail on income, debt level, commitments, risk profile, etc. Gathering this information is important because any recommendation that our adviser makes is dependant on you the client's financial situation and your tolerance for risk. Our Privacy Policy guarantees confidentiality of your information.

Step 2: Setting Objectives: This is probably the most important step in the whole process as it forms the foundation on which all other steps are built. At Newealth Pty Ltd we'll show you how to turn your dreams into realistic goals by taking into consideration:

1. What stage of asset growth are you in - wealth accumulation or wealth preservation etc?
2. How much risk are you willing to assume for a given return?
3. What is the time frame for reaching your investment goals?
4. What is your tax situation?

Step 3: Formulating Strategies: Newealth will formulate a plan for you to bridge the financial gap between where you are and where you want to be in the future. At all times, you chose what feels right and safe for your level of risk and the goals you have outlined.

Step 4: Recommendations and Implementation: Provided that you agree with our recommendations we will then implement the strategy on your behalf. We are remunerated by an on-going retainer, with full disclosure of all brokerage and commission payments received. This allows us to clearly align our interests with the financial success of our clients.

Step 5: Ongoing Monitoring & Review: We regularly monitor your plan to ensure that it continues to meet your objectives. You'll receive regular contact from your Adviser, with updates and recommendations for your consideration.

Contact us now with your inquiry  TEL:+61 2 9267 2322 


Contact us now with your inquiry   TEL:+61 2 9267 2322