The facts about Market Truisms: Noise In this third part of a 9 part series we will be giving you the actual facts surrounding what are considered to be market truisms to help you become a better informed investor. Truism 3- We all can tell the difference between good news, bad news and noise. Fact- Information is not wisdom and Professor Robert J Shiller (author of Irrational Exuberance, Princeton University Press 2000) researched and discovered that no significant news was in the newspapers prior to the 1929 and 1987 stock market crash. Also, US Banks were closed by the United States Federal Government in 1933 and the Dow Jones proceeded to increase 4 fold over the next 4 years. How many investors would have seen such an action as an opportunity to invest? At Newealth we are always looking to innovate and improve our ongoing services wherever possible and if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to email me via ‘Contact Us’ at or to call me on +61 2 9267 2322.
30th-November-2010 |