Business Models FarmVille and Twitter are two sides of the same Social Networking coin but with very different business models. FarmVille, Mafia Wars and Café World are ranked among the top 5 games played daily on Facebook and were all developed by a company called Zynga in San Francisco. Zenga was founded in 2007 and makes its money by getting gamers to buy virtual goods with real dollars and is expected to surpass USD$100 million this year. Twitter, the online communication platform launched in 2006 has amassed 55 million unique monthly visitors worldwide, raised USD $150 million in venture funding and to date has barely collected any revenue. Twitter appears to be more focused on how to get to 100 million people using it than on how to make money. As an investor, in which would you invest? (Warning, these comments are general in nature and do not in anyway constitute a recommendation or advice). At Newealth we are always looking to innovate and improve our ongoing advice and services wherever possible and if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to email me via ‘Contact Us’ at or to call me on +61 2 9267 2322.
2nd-November-2009 |