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Growth assets can make you money work harder
Compound returns: the essential ingredient
Beneficiary Loan
Running out of money
Disregard short-term forecasts and predictions
a 'bump' in the boom
Industry Super
Demerit Points
Dr Doom
The future starts now
Go Goldman
Tax Havens
Recognise that short term underperformance is inevitable
Legislative Update
Growth assets can make you money work harder
By Dejan Pekic
B.Comm, Dip FP, CFP

10 Smart Strategies for Growing Your Wealth: Strategy 2 

Many of you will be familiar with this case study because at Newealth we discuss and recommend such a solution when looking for ways to expand a clients assets. 

This second strategy high lights the two major reason for investing in and owning a business (shares in a company) and that is that shares rise in value and protect you against inflation and shares produce the most tax effective income stream that money can buy outside of superannuation (fully franked dividends).

Again, a simple strategy but over a 10 to 20 year period it works a treat. 

WARNING, all the case studies are examples only and are not intended to be comprehensive or to constitute advice which is why you need to call me to discuss the relevance of the strategy to your particular circumstances. 

At Newealth we are always looking to innovate and improve our ongoing advice and services wherever possible and if you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to email me via ‘Contact Us’ at or to call me on +61 2 9267 2322. 

Contact us now with your inquiry   TEL:+61 2 9267 2322