+61 2 9259 8100
Brett Stene

Brett Stene B.Comm(Hons) FAICD AFPA ADFS(FP) JP, 45 (with sons Eric and Isak)

Brett started in the financial services industry in 1986 after leaving Arthur Andersen and working in Australia and the UK. Over the past 18 years he has headed the research and strategy operations of adviser groups, developed new financial products, worked in funds management and developed successful businesses. He jointly founded the Knowledgebank Group in 1992.

He has consulted and provided advice in strategy and distribution to many Australian and International financial service organisations. He has overseen and worked on major financial services projects in Australia, Thailand, The Philippines, USA, New Zealand and Singapore and has held a number of directorships, including most recently Zurich Investment Management Limited and the Accountants Superannuation Fund.

Brett is heard each Monday night at 8pm on radio station 2GB – providing personal financial advice insights and answering callers’ financial questions.

Financial Services Guide

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